Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : S. Alouf, “Probability and Statistics”, 36H ETD, 1st year Water Engineering degree (L3), Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Licence : N. Choungmo Fofack, “Stochastic processes for Signal Processing”, 64H ETD, 1st year Electronic Engineering degree (L3), Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Licence : M. El Chamie, “Database”, 20H ETD, Computer Science Program (L2), Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Master : S. Alouf, “Performance Evaluation of Networks”, 32.5H ETD, M2 IFI Ubinet, Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Master : K. Avrachenkov, “Probability and Statistics”, 27H ETD, M1 EuroAquae, Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Master : A. Jean-Marie, “Metrology and Quality of Service for Networks”, 18H ETD, M2, Univ. of Montpellier 2, France.

  • Master : G. Neglia, “Performance Evaluation of Networks”, 22.5H ETD, M2 IFI Ubinet, Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

  • Doctorat : E. Altman, “Competition for popularity in social networks”, 4H ETD, 2nd Intl. Summer School on Cognitive Wireless Communications (COST Action IC0902), France.

  • Doctorat : A. Jean-Marie, “Advanced Markov Modeling”, 18H ETD, Univ. of Montpellier 2, France.

  • Doctorat : G. Neglia, “Complex Networks”, 4.5H ETD, Univ. of Palermo, Italy.

  • Doctorat : G. Neglia, “Perron Frobenius Theory”, 20H ETD, Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.


  • PhD: Lorenzo Maggi, “Markovian Competitive and Cooperative Games with applications to Communications,” Univ. of Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 9 2012, advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Laura Cottatellucci (Institut Eurecom ).

  • PhD in progress: Ilaria Brunetti, “Cooperative and competitive content dissemination in social networks,” October 1 2012, advisor: Eitan Altman.

  • PhD in progress: Nicaise Choungmo Fofack, “Performance Evaluation of TTL-based resource networks,” October 1 2010, advisors: Sara Alouf and Philippe Nain.

  • PhD in progress: Richard Combes, “Self-organizing functionalities in radio networks,” October 1 2009, advisors: Eitan Altman and Zwi Altman (France Telecom) and Sylvain Sorin (Univ. Pierre and Marie Curie).

  • PhD in progress: Eugenio Della Vecchia, “Contribution to the solution of problems in stochastic control and games”, October 1 2008, advisors: Silvia Di Marco (National Univ. of Rosario, Argentina) and Alain Jean-Marie.

  • PhD in progress: Mahmoud El Chamie, “Belief propagation in complex networks,” October 1 2011, advisors: Konstantin Avrachenkov and Giovanni Neglia.

  • PhD in progress: Julien Gaillard, “Creation, simulation and multidiscipline evaluation of dynamic mobility models in complex systems,” October 1 2011, advisors: Eitan Altman, Marc El-Bèze (Univ. of Avignon) and Emmanuel Ethis (Univ. of Avignon).

  • PhD in progress: Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, “Resource allocation and learning algorithms in small cells wireless networks,” January 1 2010, advisors: Eitan Altman and Rachid El-Azouzi (Univ. of Avignon).

  • PhD in progress: Cengis Hasan, “Optimization of resource allocation for small cells networks,” January 1 2010, advisors: Eitan Altman and Jean-Marie Gorce (Inria project-team Swing ).

  • PhD in progress: Alexandre Reiffers, “Modelling competition and cooperation in telecommunication networks,” October 15 2012, advisor: Eitan Altman.

  • PhD in progress: Marina Sokol, “Clustering and learning tecnhiques for traffic/user classification,” October 1 2009, advisors: Paulo Gonçalves (Inria project-team Reso ) and Philippe Nain.


Maestro members participated in the Habilitation (HDR) thesis committees of (in alphabetical order):

Olivier Brun: February 6, 2012, LAAS-CNRS (K. Avrachenkov as jury member);

and in the PhD thesis committees of (in alphabetical order):

Ali Arshad: November 12, 2012, Telecom SudParis (K. Avrachenkov as reviewer, E. Altman as jury member);

Olivier Fercoq: September 17, 2012, Ecole Polytechnique (K. Avrachenkov as reviewer);

Oussama Habachi: September 28, 2012, Univ. of Avignon (UAPV) (E. Altman as jury member);

Lorenzo Maggi: October 9, 2012, Institut Eurecom (K. Avrachenkov as co-advisor);

Marco Rosa: March 6, 2012, Univ. of Milano, Italy (K. Avrachenkov as reviewer);

Cristiano Tapparello: March 14, 2012, Univ. of Padua, Italy (G. Neglia as reviewer);

Cheng Wan: September 26, 2012, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) (E. Altman as reviewer).