Section: New Results
Newtonian fluid flows simulations and their analysis
Simulations of water distribution systems :Water losses may constitute a large amount of the distributed total water volume throughout water distribution systems. Here, a new model method is proposed that intends to minimize the total water volume distributed through leakage reduction. Our group has worked on the derivation of advection-reaction-diffusion type equations with an explicit relationship between the local pressure and the leakage rate. An original splitting technique to solve this type of hydraulic problem was then achieved. This technique allows pressure-dependent leakage to be taken into account, whereas in most models leakage is assumed to be uniform along a pipe. Finally, a constrained optimization problem was formulated for leakage reduction in WDS. The control variable had the mean of a local head loss and is considered in the Boundary Conditions to avoid dealing with discontinuities in the governing equations. The objective function to minimize was a regularization of the total water volume distributed. Specific operational constraints were added to ensure enough pressure at consumption points. The direct solution for this minimization problem was sought with a Gradient type method. The leakage reduction was proven to be significant in a case study. The percentage of leakage reduced from 24% to 10% in the linear relationship between pressure and leakage flow rate. With other leakage exponents, the same rate of reduction was achieved . The method was applied on a real network in the South-West of France. Controlling the pressure at two different strategic points permits a significant amount of the total distributed water to be saved (5%). This work was performed in collaboration with Cemagref Bordeaux . Future work will consist of applying a sensibility analysis of control location points to optimize the method.
Incompressible flows : modeling and simulation of moving and deformable bodies. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are discretized in space onto a fixed cartesian mesh. The deformable bodies are taken into using a first order penalization method and/or second order immersed boundary method. The interface between the solid and the fluid is tracked using a level-set description so that it is possible to simulate several bodies freely evolving in the fluid. A turbulence model based on Samgorinsky model has been added to the numerical code. The numerical code written in the C langage is massively parallel. The large linear systems (over than 100 millions of dofs) are solved using the Petsc Library. As an illustration of the methods, fish-like locomotion is analyzed in terms of propulsion efficiency. Underwater maneuvering and school swimming are also explored. We were able to simulate the three-dimensional flow about a swimmer for realistic physical configurations. Another application is the turbulent 3D flow around complex wind turbine (see and for simulation movies). Wake flows generated by boat propellers are also modeled and simulated.
We recently take in account a simplified elasticity model of the swimmer (elastic caudal tail of a fish). Some elastic parameters allows to increase the swimming efficiency around 20%-30%. Recent developments on multiphase flows have been performed. We are able to simulate water/air interactions with interface regularization. The interface with a boat is also taken into account. See for simulations.
Turbulence flow on an hemisphere : Participants: Charles-Henri Bruneau, Patrick Fischer (MCF Bordeaux 1), Yong Liang Xiong (PostDoc)
ANR Cyclobulle lead by Hamid Kellay Soap hemi-bubble film experiments have shown some links between the formation of vortices when the hemi-bubble is heated at the equator and the formation of tornados in the earth atmosphere. Two-dimensional simulations using a stereographic map are used to compare to these experimental results and confirm the results when Coriolis force and heat source terms are added.
Compressible flows: Immersed boundary methods. We are concerned with immersed boundary methods, i.e., integration schemes where the grid does not fit the geometry, and among this class of methods, more specifically with cartesian grid methods, where the forcing accounting for the presence of boundaries is performed at the discrete level. We have developed a simple globally second order scheme inspired by ghost cell approaches to solve compressible flows, inviscid as well as viscous. In the fluid domain, away from the boundary, we use a classical finite-volume method based on an approximate Riemann solver for the convective fluxes and a centered scheme for the diffusive term. At the cells located on the boundary, we solve an ad hoc Riemann problem taking into account the relevant boundary condition for the convective fluxes by an appropriate definition of the contact discontinuity speed. This method can easily be implemented in existing codes and is suitable for massive parallelization. It has been validated in two dimensions for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations, and in three dimensions for Euler equations. The order of convergence is two in norm for all variables, and between one and two in depending on the variables. The 3D code has been parallelized with MPI. The case of a moving solid has been tested (flapping wing) and gives results for the drag and the lift in agreement with the references in the literature.
The Oldroyd B constitutive model is used to study the role of the viscoelasticity of dilute polymer solutions in two-dimensional flows past a bluff body using numerical simulations. This investigation is motivated by the numerous experimental results obtained in quasi two dimensional systems such as soap film channels. The numerical modeling is novel for this case and therefore a comprehensive comparison is carried out to validate the present penalization method and artificial boundary conditions. In particular we focus on flow past a circular object for various values of the Reynolds number, Weissenberg number, and polymer viscosity ratio. Drag enhancement and drag reduction regimes are discussed in detail along with their flow features such as the pattern of vortex shedding, the variation of lift as well as changes in pressure, elongational rates, and polymer stress profiles. A comprehensive study of the flow behavior and energy balance are carefully carried out for high Reynolds numbers. Flow instabilities in both numerical and experimental results are discussed for high Weissenberg numbers .
Elliptic problems: We have developed a new cartesian method to solve elliptic problems with immersed interfaces. These problems appear in numerous applications, among them: heat transfer, electrostatics, fluid dynamics, but also tumour growth modelling, or modelling of electric potential in biological cells This method is second order accurate in the whole domain, notably near the interface. The originality of the method lies on the use of additionnal unknows located on interface points, on which are expressed flux equalities. Special care is dedicated to the discretization near the interface, in order to recover a stable second order accuracy. Actually, a naive discretization could lead to a first order scheme, notably if enough accuracy in the discretization of flux transmission condtions is not provided. Interfaces are represented with a distance level-set function discretized on the grid points. The method has been validated on several test-cases with complex interfaces in 2D. A parallel version has been developed using the PETSC library.
Simulations of fluid-solid interactions : The interaction of an elastic structure and an fluid occurs in many phenomena in physics. To avoid the difficulty of coupling lagrangian elasticity with an eulerian fluid we consider a whole eulerian formulation. The elasticity of the structure is computed with retrograde caracteristics which satisfy a vectorial transport equation. We derive the associated fluid-structure models for incompressible and compressible media. The equations are discretized on a cartesian mesh with finite differences and finite volumes schemes. The applications concern the bio-locomotions and the study of air-elastic interaction.
Vortex methods : The aim of this work is to couple vortex methods with the penalization methods in order to take advantage from both of them. This immersed boundary approach maintains the efficiency of vortex methods for high Reynolds numbers focusing the computational task on the rotational zones and avoids their lack on the no-slip boundary conditions replacing the vortex sheet method by the penalization of obstacles. This method that is very appropriate for bluff-body flows is validated for the flow around a circular cylinder on a wide range of Reynolds numbers. Its validation is now extended to moving obstacles (axial turbine blades) and three-dimensional bluff-bodies (flow around a sphere). See [77] . Moreover, using the global properties of the penalization method, this technique permits to include porous media simultaneously in the flow computation. We aim to adapt the porous media flows to our new method and to apply it in order to implement passive control techniques using porous layers around bluff-bodies.
Domain decomposition : Domain decomposition methods are a way to parallelize the computation of numerical solutions to PDE. To be efficient, domain decompositions methods should converge independently on the number of subdomains. The classical convergence result for the additive Schwarz preconditioner with coarse grid is based on a stable decomposition. The result holds for discrete versions of the Schwarz preconditioner, and states that the preconditioned operator has a uniformly bounded condition number that depends only on the number of colors of the domain decomposition, and the ratio between the average diameter of the subdomains and the overlap width. Constants are usually non explicit and are only asserted to depend on the "shape regularity" of the domain decomposition.
two years ago, we showed the result holds the additive Schwarz preconditioner can also be defined at the continuous level and provided completely explicits estimates. Last year, we established that a similar result also holds for non shape regular domain decompositions where the diameter of the smallest subdomain is significantly smaller than the diameter of the largest subdomain. The constants are also given explicitely and are independent of the ratio between the diameter of the largest sudomain and the diameter of the smallest subdomain.
This year, we have studied explored new coarse spaces algorithms for domain decomposition methods. Coarse spaces are necessary to get a scalable algorithm whose convergence speed does not deteriorate when the number of subdomains increases. For domains decomposition methods with discontinuous iterates, we showed that continuous coarse spaces can never be an optimal choice. As an alternative, we introduced both the use of discontinuous coarse spaces(DCS) and a new coarse space algorithm using these discontinuous coarse spaces.