Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


All Professors and Associate Professors teach 192 hours per year.

  • Licence : Modélisation et calcul scientifique, 32H, L2, Université Bordeaux 1, France (Michel Bergmann)

  • Licence : Initiation au langage de programmation Fortran 90, 28H, ENSEEIRB-MATMECA, France (Michel Bergmann)

  • Master : approximation des EDP 2, 28h, M1, Université Bordeaux 1, France (Michel Bergmann)

  • Master : electrical modelling of biological cells, 32H, M2, Université Bordeaux 1, France (Clair Poignard)


PhD & HdR :

  • HdR: O. Saut, Contributions en optique non-linéaire et en modélisation de la croissance tumorale en vue des applications cliniques, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, September 2012

  • M. Cisternino, A parallel second order Cartesian method for elliptic interface problems and its application to tumor growth model, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I and Politecnico di Torino, April 2012

  • PhD: Y. Gorsse, Méthode cartésienne pour les fluides compressibles et l'élasticité non-linéaire autour d'obstacles, November 2012

  • J. Hovnanian, Modélisation, Simulation et contrôle d'écoulement autour d'obstacle déformables, December 2012

  • PhD: V. Huber, Numerical modelling of complex bifluid flows, September 2012

  • J. Pinilla, , Modélisation et simulation à l'échelle du pore de la récupération assistée des hydrocarbures par injection de polymères, December 2012

  • PhD in progress : F. Cornelis is a medical doctor of the Institut Bergonié. He is a radiologist practicing CT-Scans, MRI but also local mini-invasive treatments (interventional radiology). He spends one day a week to prepare a PhD on the modelling aspects of his work. started 2010

  • PhD in progress : X. Jin, Etude et conception d'une éolienne, started 1st May 2011, supervisors : Angelo Iollo and Michel Bergmann

  • PhD in progress : M. Leguebe, Electroporation modelling at the cell scale, started 1st october 2011, supervisors : Thierry Colin and Clair Poignard

  • PhD in progress : M. Lattige, (co-director G. Gallice, CEA CESTA). Numerical modeling of ablation. started october 2010

  • PhD in progress, started October 2011: F. Bernard, V. Pianet

  • PhD in progress, started October 2012: A. De Bauer, J. Jouganous, G. Lefevre, H. Ung.