Section: Dissemination
Conference participation
Members of the project-team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:
D. Benoit, International Workshop on Numerical Methods for Non-Newtonian Flows, Blois (France), March 2012,
D. Benoit, Congrès CANUM 2012, Superbesse (France), May 2012,
D. Benoit, Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM) conference 2012, Singapour (Singapour), October 2012
D. Benoit, Colloque Modélisation numérique des mélanges grains-fluides, Montpellier (France), October 2012
I. Dabo, Workshop on Corrective Approaches to DFT for Strongly-correlated Systems, CECAM, EPFL, Lausanne, June 2012
I. Dabo, Young Engineers and Scientists Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, March 2012
I. Dabo, CECAM Meeting on Electron Correlation, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, December 2012
I. Dabo, Energy from the Sun: Computational Chemists and Physicists Take Up the Challenge, CECAM Conference, Cagliari, September 2012
I. Dabo, 2nd TYC Energy Materials Workshop, Thomas Young Centre, King's College, London, June 2012
I. Dabo, American Physical Society Meeting, Boston, March 2012
E. Cancès, Mathematics meets Chemistry workshop, Erlangen, Germany, March 2012,
E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, Université d'Orsay, January 2012,
E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, Berkeley University, USA, January 2012,
E. Cancès, working group on numerical methods, Université Paris 6, January 2012,
E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the mathematics department, ENSTA, March 2012,
E. Cancès, K. Burke's group meeting, chemistry department, Irvine University, USA, October 2012,
E. Cancès, NAS group meeting, physics department, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, November 2012,
V. Ehrlacher, SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, USA, April 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models, Beijing, China, June 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems,Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, USA, July 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, Séminaire d'Analyse numérique - Equations aux dérivées partielles du Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Lille, France, Mars 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, Groupe de travail EDP et analyse numérique LAMA-CERMICS, Marne-la-Vallée, France, May 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, Séminaire des thésards du laboratoire AGM, Cergy, France, May 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM MD2012 Seminar Series, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, Applied Mathematics/PDE Seminars of University of California of Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, USA, November 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop IV: Computational Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, December 2012.
S. Lahbabi, Weekly seminar of the mathematics department, University of Cergy Pontoise, November 2012,
C. Le Bris, plenary lecture, 60-th annual SIAM meeting, July 2012, Minneapolis, USA.
C. Le Bris, Workshop Inhomogeneous Random Systems IRS2012, Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris), January 2012.
C. Le Bris, International conference on PDEs, Shanghai, June 2012
C. Le Bris, ACMAC workshop on Image and waves in complex media, June 2012, Heraklion, Crete.
C. Le Bris, Journées MMCS, Université de Lyon, September 2012.
C. Le Bris, keynote lecturer, 2012 Woudschoten Conference, October, 2012, Zeist, The Netherlands.
C. Le Bris, IPAM program on " Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation, and Engineering", December 2012.
C. Le Bris, Mathematics Seminar, Freie Universität Berlin, May 2012.
C. Le Bris, Scientific and statistical computing seminar University of Chicago, October 2012.
F. Legoll, workshop on “Mathematical theory and computational methods for multiscale problems”, Singapore, January 2012,
F. Legoll, American Physical Society meeting, Boston, February 2012,
F. Legoll, Workshop “Mathematics meets Chemistry and Physics”, Erlangen, March 2012,
F. Legoll, CECAM workshop on “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Paris, June 2012,
F. Legoll, 22nd Int. Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials, Baltimore, September 2012,
F. Legoll, Kickoff meeting of the “Laboratoire International Associé Nancy/UIUC”, Nancy, November 2012,
F. Legoll, Workshop on “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics”, Banff, November 2012,
F. Legoll, séminaire du groupe de travail Homogénéisation et Echelles Multiples, Paris 6, November 2012,
F. Legoll, Workshop on “Computational Methods for Multiscale Modeling of Materials Defects”, IPAM Los Angeles, December 2012,
F. Legoll, Lake Arrowhead culminating workshop, IPAM Los Angeles, December 2012,
T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Multiscale Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Application, Singapore, January 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Workshop on Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics, Oberwolfach, January 2012.
T.Lelièvre, Séminaire de mathématiques, Université de Marne-la-Vallée, January 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Workshop BEMOD12 “Beyond Molecular Dynamics: Long Time Atomic-Scale Simulations”, MPIPKS, Dresden, March 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Arbeitsbereich Numerik Mathematisches Institut seminar, Uni Tuebingen, May 2012.
T. Lelièvre, plenary speaker at the CANUM conference, Superbesse, May 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Computation of transition trajectories and rare events in non-equilibrium systems”, ENS Lyon, June 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Journées ERGONUM “Analyse probabiliste des systèmes en temps long”, Inria Sophia-Antipolis, June 2012.
T. Lelièvre, plenary speaker at the EVOLVE 2012 conference, Mexico, August 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Modelling the Dynamics of Complex Molecular Systems”, Lorentz Center, Leiden, August 2012.
T. Lelièvre, Tutorial "Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, September 2012,
T. Lelièvre, Workshop "Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2012,
T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and numerical Simulation” BIRS, Banff, Canada, November 2012.
F. Nier: Invitation for one week in TU-Universität Braunschweig (Germany) February 2012
F. Nier: Analytic torsion and its applications, Conference organized by J.M. Bismut and W. Müller, Univ. Paris 11, June 2012.
F. Nier: Invitation for three weeks in WIAS-Berlin (Germany), September 2012
F. Nier: Workshop "Mathematics for Semiconductor Heterostructures: Modeling, Analysis, and Numerics", WIAS-Berlin (Germany), organized by K. Gaertner, A. Glitzky, H.C. Kaiser, and F. Nier, September 2012.
F. Nier: Lectures on Semi-classical analysis, organized by S. Fujiie and T. Watanabe, Ritsumeikan University (Japan), October 2012.
F. Nier: "Workshop on Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations in Modern Nonlinear Physical Systems", organized by O. Kirillov and Y. Fukumoto, BIRS Banff (Canada), November 2012.
F. Nier: Séminaire de Probabilités, Univ. Rennes 1 (France), November 2012.
F. Nier: Paris-London seminar, Inst. Henri Poincaré, Paris (FRANCE), December 2012
M. Rousset, CECAM Workshop “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Marne-la-Vallée, June 2012,
M. Rousset, Workshop “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models”, Beijing, China, June 2012,
M. Rousset, Evolve Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2012.
M. Rousset, BIRS Workshop “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Mathematical Understanding and numerical Simulation”, Banff, Canada, November 2012.
G. Stoltz, Workshop "Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects", IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2012,
G. Stoltz, Workshop “Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models”, Beijing, China, June 2012,
G. Stoltz, CECAM workshop “Free energy calculations: From theory to applications”, Marne-la-Vallée, June 2012,
G. Stoltz, seminar at University of Edinburgh, February 2012,
In addition to the above, some members of the team have been invited for stays in institutions abroad:
E. Cancès, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 2012.
F. Legoll, IPAM UCLA (program on “Materials Defects: Mathematics, Computation, and Engineering”), Los Angeles, USA, December, 2012.
F. Nier: Invitation for one week in Tokyo Universtity (Japan), November, 2012.
Members of the project-team have delivered the following series of lectures:
E. Cancès, Lectures (6h) on spectral theory for electronic structure modeling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, April 2012,
E. Cancès, Lectures (2h) on numerical methods for Density Functional Theory, Ecole des Houches, June 2012,
C. Le Bris, Lectures on Stochastic homogenization, Series of 90-minute lectures, Summer course on homogenization, Chicago, June 18-29, 2012.
C. Le Bris, Graduate course, 'Mathematical introduction to complex fluids modeling', The University of Chicago, 24 hours, October-November 2012.
F. Nier, Lectures for phD students and researchers about "Semiclassical analysis and mean field dynamics", held in CERMICS-ENPC, 5x2 hours, April-May 2012.
Members of the project-team have presented posters in the following events:
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop I: Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, October 2012.
W. Minvielle, IPAM Workshop IV: Quantum and Atomistic Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, December 2012.
Members of the project-team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Materials Defects: Tutorials, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop II: Atomistic and Mesoscale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.
V. Ehrlacher, IPAM Workshop III: Mesoscale and Continuum Scale Modeling of Materials Defects, Los Angeles, USA, September 2012.
S. Lahbabi, 4th meeting of the GDR quantum dynamics, Toulouse, France, February 2012
S. Lahbabi, Summer school: Ab inition simulations in condensed matter, Les Houches, France, June 2012
W. Minvielle, Summer school on “Recent advances in the Theory of Homogenization”, Chicago, June 2012,