Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
InSTInCT (ANR ContInt, 2009-2012)
Participants : Géry Casiez [correspondant] , Frédéric Giraud, Laurent Grisoni, Nicolas Roussel.
This project focuses on the design, development and evaluation of new simple and efficient touch-based interfaces, with the goal of bringing widespread visibility to new generations of interactive 3D applications.
Partners: Inria [Mint, Iparla], Immersion, Cap Sciences
Web site:
TOUCHIT (13th FUI, 2012-2015)
Participants : Michel Amberg, Géry Casiez, Frédéric Giraud, Thomas Pietrzak, Nicolas Roussel [correspondant] , Betty Lemaire-Semail [correspondant] .
The purpose of this project is twofold. It aims at designing and implementing hardware solutions for tactile feedback based on programmable friction. It also aims at developing the knowledge and software tools required to use these new technologies for human-computer interaction. Grant for MINT is balanced on 272 keuro handled at University for L2EP, and 220 Keuros for Inria.
Partners: STMicroelectronics, CEA/LETI, Lille 1 Univ., Inria, Orange Labs, CNRS, EASii IC, MENAPIC and ALPHAUI.
Competitive clusters involved: Minalogic , Cap Digital and MAUD .
Smart-Store (12th FUI, 2011-2014, extended to 2015)
Participants : Samuel Degrande [correspondant] , Laurent Grisoni, Fabrice Aubert.
The aim of this project is to set up, in the context of retail, some middleware and hardware setup for retail interactive terminal, that allows customer to connect with their own smart-phone on a system that includes a large screen, and allows to browse some store offer, as well as pre-order and/or link to further reconsulting. SME Idées-3com leads this FUI, which also includes Immochan, Oxylane, and VisioNord. Grant for MINT is 301 Keuros. This project start on september 2012 (start of this project has been delayed due to administrative problems), for a duration of 36 months.
associated competitivity cluster: PICOM (retail)