Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR grant REPDYN (2010-2012). High performance computing for structure and fluid computing. Partners: Inria Rhône-Alpes, CEA, ONERA, EDF, LaMSID lab from CNRS and LaMCoS lab from INSA Lyon.
ANR/JST grant PETAFLOW (2010-2012). France/Japan international program. Peta-scale data intensive computing with transnational high-speed networking: application to upper airway flow. Inria Rhône-Alpes, Gipsa-lab from UJF, NITC (Japan), Cyber Center of Osaka, DITS (Osaka) and the Visualization Lab of Kyoto.
ANR grant EXAVIZ (2011-2015). Large Scale Interactive Visual Analysis for Life Science. Partners: Inria Rhône-Alpes, Université d'Orléans, the LBT lab from IBPC, the LIMSI from Université d'Orsay, and the CEMHTI labs from CNRS.
ANR HPAC (2012-2015). High Performance Algebraic Computing. Coordinator: UJF (LJK/CASYS team). Partners: project-team MOAIS (Grenoble), project-team ARENAIRE (LIP, Lyon), project-team SALSA (LIP6, Paris), the ARITH group (LIRMM lab, Montpellier).
Equipex Kinovis (2012-2017). 2.6 Meuros. Large scale multi-camera platform (extension of the Grimage platform to 60 cameras, depth and X-ray cameras). Coordinator E Boyer, LJK Inria MORPHEO team. Partners: Inria Rhône-Alpes and the LJK, LIG, LADAF and GIPSA labs.
Competitivity Clusters
CILOE, 2008-2012, Minalogic: This project is to develop tools and high level interfaces for compute- intensive applications for nano and micro-electronic design and optimizations. The partners are: two large companies CS-SI (leader), Bull; three small size companies EDXACT, INFINISCALE, PROBAYES; and four research units Inria, CEA-LETI, GIPSA-LAB, TIMA. For Moais, the contract funds the phD thesis of Jean-Noel Quintin.
SHIVA, Minalogic 2009-2012 contract. This project aims at the development of a high throug- put backbone ciphering that ensures a high level of security for intranet and extranet communi- cations over internet. The partners are: CS-SI (leader); 1 small size companies: Easii-IC (support for Xilinx FPGA) IWall-Mataru (key management), Netheos (customizable FPGA for ciphering); IN- RIA; CEA-LETI (security certification); Grenoble-INP (TIMA lab, integration of cryptography on FPGA); UJF (LJK and Institut Fourier: open cryptographic protocols and handshake; VERIMAG: provable security). Within Inria, the MOAIS and the PLANET teams provide the parallel imple- mentation on a multicore pltaform of IP-Sec and coordination with hardware accelerators (Frog?s and GPUs). The contract funds the phD thesis of Ludovic Jacquin, coadvised by PLANET and MOAIS and a 1 year engineer (Fabrice Schuler, from 11/2010).
SoC-Trace, Minalogic 2011-2014 contract. This project aims the development of tools for the monitoring and debug of mumticore systems on chip. Leader: ST-Microelectonic. Partners: Inria (Mescal, Moais); UJF (TIMA, LIG/Hadas); Magilem, ProBayes. Moais contributes with technics and tools for visual aggregation of application traces. The contract funds 1 phD thesis and 1 year engineer.