MODAL - 2012

Section: Software

The blockcluster package

Participants : Christophe Biernacki, Serge Iovleff, Parmeet Bhatia.

blockcluster is a R package for model-based simultaneous clustering of rows and columns, thanks to an Inria ADT grant (Parmeet Bhatia). It is also developed in collaboration with University of Technology of Compiègne. It offers the ability to structure very large data tables both in lines and columns for different data types (continuous, binary and contingency data). In particular, it opens wide potential applications in biology, marketing, etc. It is available online on CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/blockcluster/index.html ) for all major platforms (Linux, MacOS, Windows). It also comes with utility functions to visualize data. A paper related to blockcluster is submitted to an international journal [40] .