Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
A. Rapaport is presently the head of the UMR INRA-SupAgro MISTEA (Mathematics, Informatics and STatistics for Environment and Agronomy) where the team is housed. A. Rapaport is: member of the piloting board of the “modelling” axis of the LabEx Numev (Digital and Hardware Solutions, Modelling for the Environment and Life Sciences)) at Montpellier; member of the scientific board of the “Ecotechnologies” department of IRSTEA; member of the scientific board of the “BIOS” department of CIRAD. A. Rapaport has been the president of the AERES visiting committee of the Research team “MOTIVE” of IRSTEA.
F. Campillo is member of the NICE (long term invited scientists selection); deputy elected member of the Inria Scientific Council; member of the internal communication working group of Inria Sophia Antipolis. F. Campillo was member of the INRA selection board for the selection of junior scientists (statistics and modelling).
J. Harmand is the responsible for the treasure-2 network (a 3+3 Euromed project) that has been accepted for funding for the next 4 years); member of the scientific council of the Environment and agronomic INRA department; member of the advisory board of the INRA metaprogram MEM (Meta-omic and Microbial Ecosystems); member of the INRA evaluation commission STEA (“Sciences de la Terre, de l'eau et de l'atmosphère”). J. Harmand is member of the steering committee of the MEM INRA metaprogram. J. Harmand is member of the scientific committee of the INRA Environment and Agronomy department.
J. Harmand and A. Rapaport are responsible of the INRA network MODYM (MOdèles DYnamiques et Métabolites) sponsored by the Applied Mathematics and Informatics Departement (MIA) of INRA.