Section: Software

Adaptive Grid Refinement

Participants : Laurent Debreu, Marc Honnorat.

AGRIF (Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran, [80] ,[6] ) is a Fortran 90 package for the integration of full adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) features within a multidimensional finite difference model written in Fortran. Its main objective is to simplify the integration of AMR potentialities within an existing model with minimal changes. Capabilities of this package include the management of an arbitrary number of grids, horizontal and/or vertical refinements, dynamic regridding, parallelization of the grids interactions on distributed memory computers. AGRIF requires the model to be discretized on a structured grid, like it is typically done in ocean or atmosphere modelling. As an example, AGRIF is currently used in the following ocean models: MARS (a coastal model developed at IFREMER-France), ROMS (a regional model developed jointly at Rutgers and UCLA universities), OPA-NEMO ocean modelling system (a general circulation model used by the French and European scientific community) and HYCOM (a regional model developed jointly by University of Miami and the French Navy).

In 2012, a new contract has been signed with IFREMER to optimize parallel capabilities of the software. The software will be used operationally to attain a resolution of 500meters along the French coasts. (http://www.previmer.org ) AGRIF is licensed under a GNU (GPL) license and can be downloaded at its web site (http://ljk.imag.fr/MOISE/AGRIF/index.html ).