Section: New Results
Neural Networks as dynamical systems
Dynamics and spike trains statistics in conductance-based Integrate-and-Fire neural networks with chemical and electric synapses
Participants : Rodrigo Cofré, Bruno Cessac [correspondent] .
We investigate the effect of electric synapses (gap junctions) on collective neuronal dynamics and spike statistics in a conductance-based Integrate-and-Fire neural network, driven by a Brownian noise, where conductances depend upon spike history. We compute explicitly the time evolution operator and show that, given the spike-history of the network and the membrane potentials at a given time, the further dynamical evolution can be written in a closed form. We show that spike train statistics is described by a Gibbs distribution whose potential can be approximated with an explicit formula, when the noise is weak. This potential form encompasses existing models for spike trains statistics analysis such as maximum entropy models or Generalized Linear Models (GLM). We also discuss the different types of correlations: those induced by a shared stimulus and those induced by neurons interactions. This work has been presented in several conferences [43] , [45] , [46] , [47] , [31] , [48] and submitted to Chaos, Solitons and Fractals [13] .
Parameter estimation in spiking neural networks: a reverse-engineering approach
Participants : Horacio Rostro-Gonzalez [Holistic Electronics Research Lab, University of Cyprus] , Bruno Cessac [correspondent] , Thierry Viéville [Inria Mnemosyne] .
This work presents a reverse engineering approach for parameter estimation in spiking neural networks (SNNs). We consider the deterministic evolution of a time-discretized network with spiking neurons, where synaptic transmission has delays, modeled as a neural network of the generalized integrate and fire type. Our approach aims at by-passing the fact that the parameter estimation in SNN results in a non-deterministic polynomial-time hard problem when delays are to be considered. Here, this assumption has been reformulated as a linear programming (LP) problem in order to perform the solution in a polynomial time. Besides, the LP problem formulation makes explicit the fact that the reverse engineering of a neural network can be performed from the observation of the spike times. Furthermore, we point out how the LP adjustment mechanism is local to each neuron and has the same structure as a 'Hebbian' rule. Finally, we present a generalization of this approach to the design of input–output (I/O) transformations as a practical method to 'program' a spiking network, i.e. find a set of parameters allowing us to exactly reproduce the network output, given an input. Numerical verifications and illustrations are provided. This work has been published in Journal of Neural Engineering [24] .