Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
See also:
ORESTE is an associated team between OPALE project-team at Inria and the Mobile Millennium / Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) team at UC Berkeley focused on traffic management. With this project, we aim at processing GPS traffic data with up-to-date mathematical techniques to optimize traffic flows in corridors. More precisely, we seek for optimal reroute strategies to reduce freeway congestion employing the unused capacity of the secondary network. The project uses macroscopic traffic flow models and a discrete approach to solve the corresponding optimal control problems. The overall goal is to provide constructive results that can be implemented in practice. Both teams have actively contributed to recent advances in the subject, and we think their collaboration is now mature enough to take advantage of the associate team framework. The Inria team and its theoretical knowledge complement the Berkeley team, with its engineering knowledge anchored in practice.
Participation In International Programs
ORESTE Associated Team with UC Berkeley takes part to the program.
The agreement governing the creation of the International Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (LIRIMA) was signed on 24th November 2009 in Yaoundé. LIRIMA enables cooperation between Inria research teams and teams in Africa (Sub-Saharan Africa and the Maghreb) to be reinforced. It is the continuation of the major operation undertaken by the SARIMA program (2004-08 Priority Solidarity Fund created by the French Ministry of Foreign & European Affairs).
The LIRIMA team ANO : Numerical analysis of PDEs and Optimization is a partnership between Opale project and the EMI engineering college, Rabat / National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST) Morocco. The Team leader is Prof. Rajae Aboulaïch, EMI. Other french participants are the Project Commands at Saclay, Palaiseau and the team-project DRACULA at Inria Lyon.
The ANO team is composed of ten senior researchers from Morocco and ten senior researchers from France and more than fifteen PhD students.
The themes investigated are biomathematics (Models for plants growth, cardiovascular and cerebral diseases, cardio image segmentation), mathematical finance (optimal portfolio, risk management, Islamic finance), multiobjective optimization in structural mechanics, and vehicle traffic and crowd motion.