Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • The scientific animation in the Orpailleur team is based on two seminars, the Team Seminar and the BINGO seminar. The Team Seminar is held at least twice a month and is used either for general presentations of people in the team or for inviting external researchers for general interest. The BINGO seminar is held also at least twice a month and is used for more specific presentations focusing on biological, chemical, and medical topics. Actually, both seminars are active and are useful instruments for researchers in the team.

  • Members of the Orpailleur team are all involved, as members or as head persons, in various national research groups (mainly GDR CNRS I3 and BIM).

  • The members of the Orpailleur team are involved in the organization of conferences, as members of conference program committees (ECAI, IJCAI, PKDD, ICFCA ...), as members of editorial boards, and finally in the organization of journal special issues.

  • This year, Dave Ritchie co-organized a workshop on Computational Challenges in Structural Biology (CCSB-2012; http://ccsb2012.loria.fr ).

  • Emmanuel Nauer co-organized a new workshop, called "Cooking with Computers" at ECAI 2012 (Montpellier). This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from every possible fields of artificial intelligence applying their research on food and cooking. The next workshop will take place in 2013 at the ICJAI Conference (August 2013, Beijing, China).

  • Amedeo Napoli was one of the co-organizers of the ECAI workshop FCA4AI (What Artificial Intelligence can do for FCA), together with Sergei O. Kuznetsov and Sebastian Rudolph (see the website of the workshop http://www.fca4ai.hse.ru and the CEUR proceedings http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-939/ ). Based on the large success of this first workshop, a new edition will take place at the ICJAI Conference in August 2013, Beijing, China.

  • Chedy Raïssi was a co-organizer of the “PinSoDa” workshop, joint with the 11th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2012), Brussels, Belgium. The purpose of this workshop was to encourage principled research that will lead to the advancement of the science of privacy and data protection on social data.