Section: Software

Lem: a tool for lightweight executable semantics

Participant : Francesco Zappa Nardelli [contact] .

Languages, semantics, tool support, theorem prouvers.

Lem is a lightweight tool for writing, managing, and publishing large scale semantic definitions. It is also intended as an intermediate language for generating definitions from domain-specific tools, and for porting definitions between interactive theorem proving systems (such as Coq, HOL4, and Isabelle). As such it is a complementary tool to Ott.

Lem resembles a pure subset of Objective Caml, supporting typical functional programming constructs, including top-level parametric polymorphism, datatypes, records, higher-order functions, and pattern matching. It also supports common logical mechanisms including list and set comprehensions, universal and existential quantifiers, and inductively defined relations. From this, Lem generates OCaml, HOL4 and Isabelle code; the OCaml backend uses a finite set library (and does not yet support inductive relations). A Coq backend is in development.

Lem is already in use at Cambridge and Inria for research on relaxed-memory concurrency. We are currently preparing a feature-complete release with back-ends for HOL4, Isabelle/HOL, Coq, OCaml, and LaTeX. The project web-page is http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~so294/lem/ .

In collaboration with Scott Owens (U. Kent, UK) and Peter Sewell (U. Cambridge, UK).