Section: New Results
Compact Proof Certificates By Bounded Contractions
Participant : Kaustuv Chaudhuri.
An important engineering question in the ProofCert project is that of communicating, manipulating, and storing formal proof certificates. A fully detailed proof certificate, especially one generated by proof search, can be very large. Using such proofs would require a high bandwidth interface between the proof producer and consumer, which limits the scalability of the ensemble of proving systems approach. It is therefore natural to ask if there are more compact formats for proof certificates. The ideal format would have a tunable level of detail, so that the size of the certificates can be tailored to the application domain.
Suppose the proof consumer is equipped with some proof search capabilities. What then needs to be transmitted to the consumer to guarantee that it can check a proof within desired complexity bounds? It turns out that there is a systematic and general answer to this problem: use focusing and record only the “decision” rules of focusing in the proof certificate. From a high level perspective, this answer is equivalent to designing a proof system where the contraction rules are carefully bounded.
A proposal along these lines was published at the CPP 2012 conference [21] . In fact, this paper solves a harder than necessary problem by building proof certificates for linear logic, where unconstrained proof search has very high complexity even in the propositional fragment. The proposed solution is a spectrum of certificates that trades off the size of the certificate for the complexity of checking the certificate. At one end we have a very compact certificate that essentially amounts to a maximum depth of the proof, but reconstructing a proof with only a depth bound tends to be infeasible as the search space grows super-exponentially with the depth. Certificates at other end of the spectrum contain information about all the contractions in the proof; these certificates can be checked deterministically, in time proportional to the size of the certificate. Moreover, there is a simple abstraction mechanism between different levels of detail in this spectrum that allows for a proof elaborator to alter the level of detail in the certificate.