Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Jury participation


(We do not include here the standard teaching duties of Pierre Letouzey and Yann Régis-Gianas as “Maîtres de conférences”.)

  • Licence: Pierre Boutillier is teaching assistant at University Paris 7. He taught this year Unix-system (beginner), algorithms and databases (beginner in the bioinformatics master).

  • Licence: Matthias Puech has a temporary research and teaching position (A.T.E.R) at University Paris 7 for the academic year 2012–2013. He teaches this year logic (L2) and functional programming (L3) and abstract machines (L3).

  • Master: Yann Régis-Gianas took part in the MPRI course entitled “Type systems”: he gave a 12 hours course about generalised algebraic data types, higher-order Hoare logic and dependently typed programming.

  • Master: Alexis Saurin taught the LMFI course entitled “Lambda-calcul et preuves” together with Thomas Ehrhard (January-May). Each of them taught half of this 48H master course.

  • Master: Pierre-Louis Curien gave a 10 hours course at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oregon on proof theory (May).

  • Doctorat: Pierre-Louis Curien gave lectures at the 11th Oregon Summer School on Programming Languages (July).

  • Training: Pierre Letouzey participated to a training program for high-school teachers, introducing them to computer science. These teachers are meant to participate later to the new “Spécialité” ISN (Informatique et Sciences du Numérique) in “Terminale” grade.


  • Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas supervised the internship of François Ripault.

  • Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas supervised the internship of Arthur Guillon.

  • PhD: Matthias Puech, Certificates for incremental type checking, Università di Bologna et Université Paris 7, December 2012, Hugo Herbelin, Andrea Asperti, and Yann-Régis Gianas.

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Boutillier, Représentation des effets et inférence de type dans le cadre du développement d'un langage de programmation à types riches, September 2010, Hugo Herbelin.

  • PhD in progress: Lourdes del Carmen Gonzalez Huesca, Un langage de tactiques typées pour Coq, December 2011, Hugo Herbelin and Yann-Régis Gianas.

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni, Polarités, réalisabilité classique, contrôle délimité, September 2009, Pierre-Louis Curien and Thomas Ehrhard.

  • PhD in progress: Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Types dépendants et linéarité, October 2012, Hugo Herbelin and Alexis Saurin.

  • PhD in progress: Guillaume Claret, October 2012, Yann Régis Gianas.

PhD or habilitation jury participation

Pierre-Louis Curien was a referee for the PhD theses of Martin Churchill (“Imperative programs as proofs via game semantics”, Univ. of Bath), Benedikt Ahrens (“Initiality for typed syntax and semantics”, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis), Silvia Vecchiato (“Semantics of CBN dual proofs into control categories”, Università di Siena), and Thomas Seiller (“Logique dans le facteur hyperfini: Géométrie de l'interaction et complexité”, Université Aix-Marseille). He was member of the habilitation jury of Micaela Mayero (“Problèmes critiques et preuves formelles”, Université Paris 13).