Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Undergraduate course at IUT-2' (UPMF University), on network Communications, by Vincent Roca (24h).

  • Undergraduate course on Networking, by Walid Dabbous (36h), Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France.

  • Undergraduate course on Networks and Telecommunications, by Mohamed Ali Kaafar (40h), Ensimag Engineering school, France.

  • Undergraduate course at Polytech' Grenoble, on Wireless Communications, by Vincent Roca (12h).

  • Undergraduate course at IUT, Nice-Sophia Antipolis University, Local Aarea Networks by Chadi Barakat (28h), France.

  • Undergraduate course at IUP GMI Avignon on Peer-to-peer networks, by Arnaud Legout (38h), France.

  • Master Crypto and Security: course on Wireless Security by Claude Castelluccia (20h), Ensimag/University of Grenoble, France.

  • Master MOSIG: course on Wireless Security by Claude Castelluccia (15h), Ensimag/INPG, France.

  • Master FST : course on P2P networks: performance and security challenges by Mohamed Ali Kaafar (21h), Tunisia.

  • Master Phelma: course on Computer Networks by Mohamed Ali Kaafar (12h), INPG , France.

  • Master Ubinet: course on Evolving Internet - architectural challenges by Walid Dabbous and Chadi Barakat 42 hours, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master CAR: course on Internet monitoring by Chadi Barakat, 3h, Telecom Paris Tech, France.

  • Master TSM: course on Voice over IP by Chadi Barakat, (7h),University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master Ubinet: course on Peer-to-peer networks, by Arnaud Legout (21), University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis.

  • Master SAFE: organization of a Teaching Unit on legal issues of security and privacy (30h) Daniel Le Le Métayer, University of Grenoble, France.


  • PhD : Eduardo Mazza defended his PhD titled “A formal framework for specifying and analyzing liabilities using log as digital evidence” on June 30th, at Grenoble University. His thesis was co-supervised by Daniel Le Le Métayer.

  • PhD : Amir Krifa defended his PhD titled “Towards better content dissemination applications for Disruption Tolerant Networks” on April 23rd 2012. His thesis was supervised by Chadi Barakat.

  • PhD: Shafqat Ur-Rehman defended his PhD titled “Benchmarking in Wireless Networks” on January 30th, 2012. His thesis was co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Walid Dabbous.

  • PhD: Sana Ben Hamida defended her PhD on “Embedded System Security” on February 27th 2012. Her thesis was supervised by Claude Castelluccia.

  • PhD in progress : Lukasz Olejnik works on “Internet Tracking and Profiling” since 2011. His thesis is supervised by Claude Castelluccia.

  • PhD in progress : Min-Dung Tran works on “Privacy-Preserving Ad systems” since 2011. His thesis is co-supervised by Claude Castelluccia and Mohamed Ali Kaafar.

  • PhD in progress : Abdelberri Chaabane works on “Online Privacy in heterogeneous networks” since September 2010. His thesis is supervised by Mohamed Ali Kaafar.

  • PhD in progress : Thibaud Antignac works on “A formal framework for privacy by design” since September 2011. His thesis is supervised by Daniel Le Le Métayer.

  • PhD in progress: Riccardo Ravaioli works on “Active and Passive Inference of Network Neutrality” since October 2012. His thesis is co-supervised by Chadi Barakat.

  • PhD in progress : Dong Wang works on “Modeling social media and its impact on new digital ecnomy” since September 2011. His thesis is supervised by Mohamed Ali Kaafar.

  • PhD in progress: Xuan Nam Nguyen works on "Software Defined Networking in challenged environments", since October 2012. His thesis is co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Walid Dabbous.

  • PhD in progress: Alina Quereilhac works on "Unified Evaluation environment of Networking Protocols for Simulators and Testbeds", since 2011. Her thesis is co-supervised by Walid Dabbous and Thierry Turletti.

  • PhD in progress: Ashwin Rao works on “Performance evaluation of communication networks”. His thesis is co-supervised by Arnaud Legout and Walid Dabbous.

  • PhD in progress: Ludovic Jacquin works on “High Bandwidth Secure Communications” since October 2009. His thesis is co-supervised by Vincent Roca and Jean-Louis Roch.

  • PhD in progress: Ferdaouss Mattoussi works on “Self-configuration and optimization of FEC over wireless protocol layers” since February 2010. Her work is co-supervised by Vincent Roca and Bessem Sayadi.

  • PhD in progress: Maksym Gabielkov works on “Propagation of data in social networks” since 2012. His work is supervised by Arnaud Legout.

  • PhD in progress: Wunan Gong works on “Security in content centric networks” since 2012. His work is supervised by Arnaud Legout.

  • PhD stopped: Anshuman Kalla stopped his PhD “Efficient transmission mechanisms for Information Centric Network Architectures” in june 2012 for personal reasons. His thesis was co-supervised by Thierry Turletti and Walid Dabbous.