Section: Software


Participants : Thierry Parmentelat [correspondant] , Mohamed Larabi.

The SfaWrap is a reference implementation of the Slice-based Federation Architecture (SFA), the emerging standard for networking experimental testbed federation. We are codeveloping the SfaWrap with Princeton University, and during 2012, we have focused on:

  • Participating in the discussions about the future and evolutions of the architecture of SFA, as part of the architecture working group of the GENI project.

  • Turning this initially Planet-Lab specific implementation into a generic one, that testbed providers can easily leverage for bringing SFA-compliance to their own testbeds.

  • Supporting the allocation and provisioning of both 'Exclusive' and 'Shared' testbed resources.

  • Enlarging the federation scheme by federating various testbeds with heterogeneous resources, in order to allow researchers to combine all available resources and run advanced networking experiments of significant scale and diversity.