Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is the Head of the Electromagnetism Group at CERFACS (Toulouse)
A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is in charge of the relations between l'ENSTA and the Master “Dynamique des Structures et des Systèmes Couplés (Responsible : Etienne Balmes)”.
A. S. Bonnet-Ben Dhia is presidente of the "Conseil scientifique de l'Institut des sciences de l'ingénierie et des systèmes (INSIS-CNRS)".
M. Bonnet is associate editor of European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids (since Jan. 2008).
M. Bonnet is associate editor of Engineering Analyses with Boundary Elements (since July 2011).
M. Bonnet is on the editorial board of Computational Mechanics.
P. Ciarlet is an editor of DEA (Differential Equations and Applications) since July 2008
P. Ciarlet is an editor of CAMWA (Computers & Mathematics with Applications), since January 2012
P. Joly is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Seminar in Applied Mathematics of College de France (P. L. Lions).
P. Joly is an editor of the journal Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis.
P. Joly is a member of the Book Series Scientific Computing of Springer Verlag.
M. Lenoir is a member of the Commission de Spécialistes of CNAM.
M. Lenoir is in charge of Master of Modelling and Simulation at INSTN.
E. Lunéville is the Head of UMA (Unité de Mathématiques Appliquées) at ENSTA.
The Project organizes the monthly Seminar Poems (Coordinators: A. Burel, N. Chaulet, S. Chaillat, S. Marmorat)