Section: Software
XLIFE++ is a new Finite Element library in C++ based on philosophy of the previous library MELINA in Fortran but with new capabilities (boundary element, discontinuous Galerkin methods, more integrated tools (in particular mesh tools) and high performance computing skills (multihread and GPU computation). It is licensed under LGPL and it is developped in the context of the european project SIMPOSIUM (FP7/ICT, leader CEA/LIST, from september 2011 to august 2014 ). There are also academic partners : Irmar-univ. Rennes and Lama-univ. Paris-Est .
In 2012, all development tools have been set up : versioning using Git, repository on Inria-Gforge, compiling and installing tools using Cmake, documentation in TeX and using Doxygen), test processing. All fundamentals library have been developped and checked (String, Function, Messages, Matrix, Vector, ...) and major libraries are done : geometry (Mesh description and tools), space,form, operators to deal with variational descriptions of PDE problem, finiteElements describing all finite elements description, term wich deals with sparse matrix representation of linear or bilinear forms involved in variational problems and finally the solvers library. A first version of the library should be published soon.