Section: Software
Participants : Karthikeyan Bhargavan [correspondant] , Sergio Maffeis [Imperial College London] , Chetan Bansal [BITS Pilani-Goa] , Antoine Delignat-Lavaud.
WebSpi is a library that aims to make it easy to develop models of web security mechanisms and protocols and verify them using ProVerif. It captures common modeling idioms (such as principals and dynamic compromise) and defines a customizable attacker model using a set of flags. It defines an attacker API that is designed to make it easy to extract concrete attacks from ProVerif counterexamples.
WebSpi has been used to analyze social sign-on and social sharing services offered by prominent social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, on the basis of new open standards such as the OAuth 2.0 authorization protocol.
WebSpi has also been used to investigate the security of a number of cryptographi web applications, including password managers, cloud storage providers, an e-voting website and a conference management system.
WebSpi is under development and released as an open source library at