Section: Dissemination
Conference and workshop committees, invited conferences
Nicolas Broutin has given lectures at the annual meeting of ANR Boole, the A3 congress at the CIRM, and the invited session on "spatial stochastic models" at the World Congress in Probability and Statistics. He has presented his results at the Probability seminar at McGill, the Séminaire Combinatoire Philippe Flajolet at IHP, and the Algo lunch at UL in Brussels. He has been invited talk at the Oberwolfach Meeting on "scaling limits for models of statistical physics". Nicolas Broutin has participated to workshops on "probabilistic combinatorics" at McGill Bellair's intitute, and on "interaction stochastic/computational geometry" organized in Cluny by the ANR Presage. He has visited the computer science department of UL in Brussels. Nicolas Broutin has submitted his HDR, the defense will take place in January 2013.
Mathieu Feuillet gave a talk at the conference ALEA 2012 in Marseille (March 2012).
Christine Fricker gave a talk at the conference AofA in Montreal (June 18 2012).
Emanuele Leoncini gave a talk in the RAP team seminar at Inria Rocquencourt (November 2012), an invited talk at the CMAP at Ecole Polytechnique (November 2012). Mathieu Feuillet and Emanuele Leoncini are in the organizing committee of the “Junior Seminar” at Inria Rocquencourt. Emanuele Leoncini participated to the “Journés ALÉA 2012” (March 2012) at CIRM in Marseilles.
James Roberts gave invited talks at Technicolor (April), BCAM Bilbao (June), ATT Labs (Sept), Bell Labs Murray Hill (Sept), KTH Stockholm (Oct), NTNU (Nov). He presented papers at NOMEN 2012 (March) and ITC (Sept).
Philippe Robert gave a set of 5 lectures at BCAM (Bilbao) on fluid limits (January 2012) and a talk at the ICERM, Brown University, Providence (October 2012).
Nada Sbihi presented a paper at Infocom (March).