ROMA - 2012



Section: New Results

Memory allocation for different classes of DAGs

In this work, we studied the complexity of traversing workflows whose tasks require large I/O files. Such workflows arise in many scientific fields, such as image processing, genomics or geophysical simulations. They usually exhibit some regularity, and most of them can be modeled as Series-Parallel Graph. We target a classical two-level memory system, where the main memory is faster but smaller than the secondary memory. A task in the workflow can be processed if all its predecessors have been processed, and if its input and output files fit in the currently available main memory. The amount of available memory at a given time depends upon the ordering in which the tasks are executed. We focus on the problem of minimizing the amount of main memory needed to process the whole DAG.

We first concentrate on the parallel composition of task chains, or fork-join graphs. We adapt an algorithm designed for trees by Liu [54] . We prove that an optimal schedule for fork-join can be split in two optimal tree schedules, which are obtained using Liu's algorithm. We then move to Series-Parallel graphs and propose a recursive adaptation of the previous algorithm, which consists in serializing every parallel compositions, starting from the innermost, using the fork-join algorithm. Simulations show that this algorithm always reach the optimal performance, and we provide a sketch of the optimality proof. We also study compositions of complete bipartite graphs, which are another important class of DAGs arising in scientific workflows. We propose an optimal algorithm for a class of compositions which we name tower of complete bipartite graphs.