Section: Software


Participants : Denis Barthou, Andres Charif-Rubial.

  • MAQAO is a performance tuning tool for OpenMP parallel applications. It relies on the static analysis of binary codes and the collection of dynamic information (such as memory traces). It provides hints to the user about performance bottlenecks and possible workarounds.

  • MAQAO relies on binary codes and inserts probes for instrumention directly inside the binary. There is no need to recompile. The static/dynamic approach of MAQAO analysis is the main originality of the tool, combining performance model with values collected through instrumentation.

  • MAQAO has a static performance model for x86 architecture and Itanium. This model analyzes performance of the predecoder, of the decoder and of the different pipelines of the x86 architecture, in particular for SSE instructions.

  • The dynamic collection of data in MAQAO enables the analysis of thread interactions, such as false sharing, amount of data reuse, runtime scheduling policy, ...

  • MAQAO is in the project ”ProHMPT” from the ANR. A demo of MAQAO has been made in Jan. 2010 for SME/Inria days and in Nov. 2010 at SuperComputing, Inria Booth.

  • http://www.maqao.org/