Section: Scientific Foundations

Runtime Systems Evolution


This research project takes place within the context of high-performance computing. It seeks to contribute to the design and implementation of parallel runtime systems that shall serve as a basis for the implementation of high-level parallel middleware. Today, the implementation of such software (programming environments, numerical libraries, parallel language compilers, parallel virtual machines, etc.) has become so complex that the use of portable, low-level runtime systems is unavoidable.

Our research project centers on three main directions:

Mastering large, hierarchical multiprocessor machines

With the beginning of the new century, computer makers have initiated a long term move of integrating more and more processing units, as an answer to the frequency wall hit by the technology. This integration cannot be made in a basic, planar scheme beyond a couple of processing units for scalability reasons. Instead, vendors have to resort to organize those processing units following some hierarchical structure scheme. A level in the hierarchy is then materialized by small groups of units sharing some common local cache or memory bank. Memory accesses outside the locality of the group are still possible thanks to bus-level consistency mechanisms but are significantly more expensive than local accesses, which, by definition, characterizes NUMA architectures.

Thus, the task scheduler must feed an increasing number of processing units with work to execute and data to process while keeping the rate of penalized memory accesses as low as possible. False sharing, ping-pong effects, data vs task locality mismatches, and even task vs task locality mismatches between tightly synchronizing activities are examples of the numerous sources of overhead that may arise if threads and data are not distributed properly by the scheduler. To avoid these pitfalls, the scheduler therefore needs accurate information both about the computing platform layout it is running on and about the structure and activities relationships of the application it is scheduling.

As quoted by Gao et al.  [36] , we believe it is important to expose domain-specific knowledge semantics to the various software components in order to organize computation according to the application and architecture. Indeed, the whole software stack, from the application to the scheduler, should be involved in the parallelizing, scheduling and locality adaptation decisions by providing useful information to the other components. Unfortunately, most operating systems only provide a poor scheduling API that does not allow applications to transmit valuable hints to the system.

This is why we investigate new approaches in the design of thread schedulers, focusing on high-level abstractions to both model hierarchical architectures and describe the structure of applications' parallelism. In particular, we have introduced the bubble scheduling concept [7] that helps to structure relations between threads in a way that can be efficiently exploited by the underlying thread scheduler. Bubbles express the inherent parallel structure of multithreaded applications: they are abstractions for grouping threads which “work together” in a recursive way. We are exploring how to dynamically schedule these irregular nested sets of threads on hierarchical machines [3] , the key challenge being to schedule related threads as closely as possible in order to benefit from cache effects and avoid NUMA penalties. We are also exploring how to improve the transfer of scheduling hints from the programming environment to the runtime system, to achieve better computation efficiency.

This is also the reason why we explore new languages and compiler optimizations to better use domain specific information. In the ANR project PetaQCD, we propose a new domain specific language, QIRAL, to generate parallel codes from high level formulations for Lattice QCD problems. QIRAL describes the formulation of the algorithms, of the matrices and preconditions used in this domain and generalizes languages such as SPIRAL used in auto-tuning library generator for signal processing applications. Lattice QCD applications require huge amount of processing power, on multinode, multi-core with GPUs. Simulation codes require to find new algorithms and efficient parallelization. So far, the difficulties for orchestrating parallelism efficiently hinder algorithmic exploration. The objective of QIRAL is to decouple algorithm exploration with parallelism description. Compiling QIRAL uses rewriting techniques for algorithm exploration, parallelization techniques for parallel code generation and potentially, runtime support to orchestrate this parallelism. Results of this work are submitted to publication.

For parallel programs running on multicores, measuring reliable performance and determining performance stability is becoming a key issue: indeed, a number of hardware mechanisms may cause performance instability from one run to the other. Thread migration, memory contention (on any level of the cache hierarchy), scheduling policy of the runtime can introduce some variation, indenpendently of the program input. A speed-up is interesting only it corresponds to a performance that can be obtained through repeated execution of the application. Very few research efforts have been made in the identification of program optimization/runtime policy/hardware mechanisms that may introduce performance instability. We studied in [37] on a large set of OpenMP benchmarks performance variations, identified the mechanisms causing them and showing the need for better strategies for measuring speed-ups. Following this effort, we developped inside the tool MAQAO (Modular Assembler Quality Analyzer and Optimizer), the precise analysis of the interactions between OpenMP threads, through static analysis of binary codes and memory tracing. In particular, the influence of thread affinity is estimated and the tool proposes hints to the user to improve its OpenMP codes.

Aside from greedily invading all these new cores, demanding HPC applications now throw excited glances at the appealing computing power left unharvested inside the graphical processing units (GPUs). A strong demand is arising from the application programmers to be given means to access this power without bearing an unaffordable burden on the portability side. Efforts have already been made by the community in this respect but the tools provided still are rather close to the hardware, if not to the metal. Hence, we decided to launch some investigations on addressing this issue. In particular, we have designed a programming environment named StarPU that enables the programmer to offload tasks onto such heterogeneous processing units and gives that programmer tools to fit tasks to processing units capability, tools to efficiently manage data moves to and from the offloading hardware and handles the scheduling of such tasks all in an abstracted, portable manner. The challenge here is to take into account the intricacies of all computation unit: not only the computation power is heterogeneous among the machine, but data transfers themselves have various behavior depending on the machine architecture and GPUs capabilities, and thus have to be taken into account to get the best performance from the underlying machine. As a consequence, StarPU not only pays attention to fully exploit each of the different computational resources at the same time by properly mapping tasks in a dynamic manner according to their computation power and task behavior by the means of scheduling policies, but it also provides a distributed shared-memory library that makes it possible to manipulate data across heterogeneous multicore architectures in a high-level fashion while being optimized according to the machine possibilities.

Optimizing communications over high performance clusters and grids

Using a large panel of mechanisms such as user-mode communications, zero-copy transactions and communication operation offload, the critical path in sending and receiving a packet over high speed networks has been drastically reduced over the years. Recent implementations of the MPI standard, which have been carefully designed to directly map basic point-to-point requests onto the underlying low-level interfaces, almost reach the same level of performance for very basic point-to-point messaging requests. However more complex requests such as non-contiguous messages are left mostly unattended, and even more so are the irregular and multiflow communication schemes. The intent of the work on our NewMadeleine communication engine, for instance, is to address this situation thoroughly. The NewMadeleine optimization layer delivers much better performance on complex communication schemes with negligible overhead on basic single packet point-to-point requests. Through Mad-MPI, our proof-of-concept implementation of a subset of the MPI API, we intend to show that MPI applications can also benefit from the NewMadeleine communication engine.

The increasing number of cores in cluster nodes also raises the importance of intra-node communication. Our KNem software module aims at offering optimized communication strategies for this special case and let the above MPI implementations benefit from dedicated models depending on process placement and hardware characteristics.

Moreover, the convergence between specialized high-speed networks and traditional Ethernet networks leads to the need to adapt former software and hardware innovations to new message-passing stacks. Our work on the Open-MX software is carried out in this context.

Regarding larger scale configurations (clusters of clusters, grids), we intend to propose new models, principles and mechanisms that should allow to combine communication handling, threads scheduling and I/O event monitoring on such architectures, both in a portable and efficient way. We particularly intend to study the introduction of new runtime system functionalities to ease the development of code-coupling distributed applications, while minimizing their unavoidable negative impact on the application performance.

Integrating Communications and Multithreading

Asynchronism is becoming ubiquitous in modern communication runtimes. Complex optimizations based on online analysis of the communication schemes and on the de-coupling of the request submission vs processing. Flow multiplexing or transparent heterogeneous networking also imply an active role of the runtime system request submit and process. And communication overlap as well as reactiveness are critical. Since network request cost is in the order of magnitude of several thousands CPU cycles at least, independent computations should not get blocked by an ongoing network transaction. This is even more true with the increasingly dense SMP, multicore, SMT architectures where many computing units share a few NICs. Since portability is one of the most important requirements for communication runtime systems, the usual approach to implement asynchronous processing is to use threads (such as Posix threads). Popular communication runtimes indeed are starting to make use of threads internally and also allow applications to also be multithreaded. Low level communication libraries also make use of multithreading. Such an introduction of threads inside communication subsystems is not going without troubles however. The fact that multithreading is still usually optional with these runtimes is symptomatic of the difficulty to get the benefits of multithreading in the context of networking without suffering from the potential drawbacks. We advocate the importance of the cooperation between the asynchronous event management code and the thread scheduling code in order to avoid such disadvantages. We intend to propose a framework for symbiotically combining both approaches inside a new generic I/O event manager.