Section: Software


Participant : Brice Goglin.

  • KNem (Kernel Nemesis) is a Linux kernel module that offers high-performance data transfer between user-space processes.

  • KNem offers a very simple message passing interface that may be used when transferring very large messages within point-to-point or collective MPI operations between processes on the same node.

  • Thanks to its kernel-based design, KNem is able to transfer messages through a single memory copy, much faster than the usual user-space two-copy model.

  • KNem also offers the optional ability to offload memory copies on Intel I/O AT hardware which improves throughput and reduces CPU consumption and cache pollution.

  • KNem is developed in collaboration with the MPICH2 team at the Argonne National Laboratory and the Open MPI project. These partners already released KNem support as part of their MPI implementations.

  • KNem is composed of 7000 lines of C. Its main contributor is Brice Goglin .

  • http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/knem/