Section: Software


Participants : Olivier Aumage, Yannick Martin, Pierre-André Wacrenier.

  • ForestGOMP is an OpenMP environment based on both the GNU OpenMP run-time and the Marcel thread library.

  • It is designed to schedule efficiently nested sets of threads (derived from nested parallel regions) over hierarchical architectures so as to minimize cache misses and NUMA penalties.

  • The ForestGOMP runtime generates nested Marcel bubbles each time an OpenMP parallel region is encountered, thereby grouping threads sharing common data.

  • Topology-aware scheduling policies implemented by BubbleSched can then be used to dynamically map bubbles onto the various levels of the underlying hierarchical architecture.

  • ForestGOMP allowed us to validate the BubbleSched approach with highly irregular, fine grain, divide-and-conquer parallel applications.

  • http://runtime.bordeaux.inria.fr/forestgomp/