Section: Application Domains
E-government is a well established domain that provides its own requirements in the field of service and information management. From our perspective, e-government applications have very strong requirements regarding security, privacy and interoperability between different organizations, belonging potentially to different countries. One of the prominent contributions we have made in this domain is related to our collaboration with SAP on the relationship between processes, security policies and the problem of delegation that we considered as a important for organizational flexibility. This work resonate also with its current continuation in crisis management.
Crisis management is a special case of e-government application as it involves mostly governmental agencies in coordination with other organizations like the Red Cross or other NGO. Moreover, it brings with it a lot of requirements that are very interesting for us in the domain of coordination: a crisis process shall be very flexible, adaptable and distributed. It is mostly human driven and can be critical. In this domain, we are collaborating with SAP to define a new model of coordination that should support people involved in crisis resolution.