Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Khalid Benali has been PC member of french conferences (INFORSID'2012 (Montpellier, France)), international conferences (I-ESA'12 (Valencia, Spain), COLLA 2012 (Venice, Italy), SAINT 2012 (Izmir, Turkey), IWEI 2012 (Harbin, China), SYSCO 2012 (Sousse, Tunisie)), and workshops (MEDES 2012 (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)).

  • Nacer Boudjlida is a member of the prime board of the program committee of I-ESA'2010 and I-ESA'2012 (International Conference on Interoperability of Enterprise Systems and Applications). He regularly acts for several years as a PC member for many international conferences and workshops (CAiSE, COOP'IS, EMMSAD, SIIE, INFORSID, WWS, etc.).

  • Nacer Boudjlida addressed a keynote at the 2011 Join-Med Workshop, Rabat, Morocco.

  • Nacer Boudjlida performed an invited tutorial at the second IEEE Intern'l Workshop on Advanced Information Systems for Entreprises, IWAISE'2012, Contantantine, Algeria.

  • Gérôme Canals is the co-chair of the ”Mobilité et Ubiquité” french national working group (GDR I3).

  • François Charoy has been PC member of ICEBE (International Conference on Business Engineering) 2012, CTS 2012 (International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems), DG.O (International Conference on Digital Government Research) 2012, CEC 2012 (IEEE Conference on Commerce and Electronic Computing), ACIS (Australasian Conference in Information Systems) 2012 and of several workshops. He is member of the editorial board of the Service Oriented Computing and Applications Journal (Springer). He was co-chair of the Second Collaborative Technology for Coordinating Crisis Management Track at WETICE 2012

  • Claude Godart is member of the editorial board of ”Advance in enterprise systems” and ”International Journal of E-adoption” journals, and member of the review board of the International Journal of Next Generation Computing. He has been or is program committee member of BPM (Business Process Management) 2012, BPMDS (Business Process Modelling, Development and Support) 2012, IEEE EDOC (The enterprise computing conference) 2012, CEC (IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing) 2012, IEEE CLOUD Computing 2012, IEEE ICWS (International Conference on Web Services) 2012, IEEE SCC (IEEE International Conference on Services Computing) 2012.

  • Claudia-Lavinia Ignat is member of the editorial board of Journal of CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work). She was part of the Reviewing Committee of the CTS 2011 (International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems) special issue of FGCS (Future Generation Computer Systems) journal. She has been or is PC member of GROUP (International Conference on Supporting Group Work) 2012, CDVE (International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering) 2012 and 2013, ICEBE (International Conference on Business Engineering) 2012, AINA (International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications) 2012 and the workshop IWCES (International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems) in 2012 and 2013.

  • Gérald Oster was a PC member of CoopIS 2012 (International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems) and MSOP2P 2013 (7th International Workshop on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization of Peer-to-peer Environments).

  • Olivier Perrin has been Co-Chair of the ICSOC PhD symposium, and Program Committee member of ICSOC 2012, WCE (Workshop on Capability based Engineering) workshop at WISE 2012, GRCIS workshop 2012. He was reviewer for BPM 2012. He reviewed in 2012 papers for IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on the Web, Web Services Handbook, Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, and Software and Systems Modelling journals.

  • François Charoy was member of the Administration Council of University de Lorraine until August 2012.

  • Claudia-Lavinia Ignat is member of the Inria Nancy-Grand Est COMIPERS researchers committee. She is member of the Inria Nancy - Grand Est center committee. She is in charge of European affairs for Inria Nancy Grand-Est.

  • Gérald Oster is member of the Administration Council of TELECOM Nancy.

  • Gérôme Canals is invited to the Administration Council of Lorraine University Institute of Technology (IUT Nancy Charlemagne) as head of department.

  • Boudjlida Nacer is a member of the Council (“Conseil”) of the Scientific and Technology Faculty (FST) of the University of Lorraine, a member of the directorial board of council of the scientific sector MIAE (Mathematics, Informatics, Automatic, Electronic), as he is a member of the council of the Science and Technology collegium of that FST.