Section: Software


Participant : Mark Schmidt [correspondant] .

The prettyPlot function is a simple wrapper to Matlab's plot function for quickly making nicer-looking plots. Here are the features: Made the default line styles bigger, and the default fonts nicer. Options are passed as a structure, instead of through plot's large number of different functions. You can pass in cell arrays to have lines of different lengths. You can pass an n×3 matrix of colors, and cell arrays of line-styles and/or markers. It will cycle through the given choices. All markers are placed on top of (all) lines, you do not have to put a marker on every data point, and you can use different spacing between markers for different lines. You can change only the upper or lower x-limit (y-limit), rather than having to specify both. There is some support for making nicer-looking error lines. See http://www.di.ens.fr/~mschmidt/Software/prettyPlot.html .