Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts with Industry

The SMIS project has a long lasting cooperation with Axalto, recently merged with Gemplus to form Gemalto, the world's leading providers of microprocessor cards. Gemalto provides SMIS with advanced hardware and software smart card platforms which are used to validate numbers of our research results. In return, SMIS provides Gemalto with requirements and technical feedbacks that help them adapting their future platforms towards data intensive applications. Meanwhile, we are developing partnerships with SMEs capable of building ad-hoc hardware prototypes conforming to our own design. We cooperate also with Santeos, an Atos Origin company developing software platforms of on-line medical services. Santeos is member of the consortium selected by the French Ministry of Health to host the French DMP (the national Personal Medical Folder initiative). This cooperation helps us tackling one of our targeted applications, namely the protection of medical folders.