Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Philippe Pucheral

    • Area Editor of the Information Systems international journal (2007-now).

    • PC member of MOBIWIS'12, CODAPSY’12, EDBT’12 (demo).

    • Member of the recruiting committees of UVSQ and Paris VI.

    • Co-founder of the bi-annual French Summer School “Masses de Données Distribuées” and co-organiser of this school in 2010 and 2012.

  • Luc Bouganim

    • President of the BDA Board, the steering committee of the national French conference on Databases.

    • PC member of MOBIWIS'12, BDA'12.

    • Member of the recruiting committees of INSA Lyon.

    • Reviewer for the Information Systems international journal and ACM TKDE journal.

    • President of the Inria Post-Doc and Delegation Commission.

    • Member of the Inria “Bureau du Comité des Projets” (BCP).

    • Member of the Inria "Cordi-S (Inria PhD grant)" commission.

    • Member of the Commission PES (Prime d’Excellence Scientifique) for computer science at UVSQ (since 2010).

  • Nicolas Anciaux

    • Demonstration chair at BDA 2012.

    • Co-organizer of the 4th edition of Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP 2013)

    • Member of Commission de Developpement Technologique (CDT) at Inria Rocquencourt

    • Member of the Editorial Board of TSI Journal (Technique et Science Informatiques) (2007 – until 2012).

  • Benjamin Nguyen

    • Member of the Advisory Committee of the W3C for the UVSQ, of the W3C XQuery Working Group (Test Suite Editor) and of the W3C Social Web Interest Group.

    • PC member of VLDB 2012, VLDB 2012 PhD Workshop, ICCSAMA 2013, BDA 2012.

    • Member of the editorial committee of TSI (Techniques et Sciences Informatiques), Eds. Lavoisier.

    • Organizer of Atelier Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP) 2013.

    • Member of the Selection Committee of Paris-VI and INSA Lyon.

    • Elected member of the PRiSM Laboratory Council.

    • Elected member of the UVSQ Science faculty Scientific Committee.

    • In charge of the UVSQ Computer Science Masters diploma. In charge of the 2014/2015 proposal.

    • Responsible for the UVSQ continuous training of High School teachers in computer science.

  • Iulian Sandu Popa

    • Tutorial chair of MOBILWARE 2012 (5th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications).

    • Reviewer for the Earth Science Informatics Journal and the Information Systems Journal.