Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Actions Funded by the EC
Projet iPLAN - FP7-PEOPLE-IAPP-2008 (2009-2012, 440 keuros )
(Indoor Planning) (2009-2012, 440k€)
iPlan is an fp 7 project of the FP 7-People-iapp -2008 call. The iPlan consortium is made of the Ranplan Company, the Citi Laboratory and the University of Bedfordshire and proposes the study of Indoor planning and optimization models and tools. The aim is to develop fast and accurate radio propagation models, investigate various issues arising from the use of femtocells, develop an automatic indoor radio network planning and optimization and facilitate knowledge integration and transfer between project partners, to enable cross-fertilization between radio propagation modeling, wireless communications, operations research, computing, and software engineering.