Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Co-organiser of RTE workshop, a one-day RFIA associated workshop on Reasoning on Space and Time ( ).
Reviewer for Information Sciences, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, and many conferences in computer vision
Member of the ACM-SIGEVO Executive (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (was the International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms before 2006);
THRaSH, Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics workshop, member of Steering Committee;
Editorial Board of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press; Guest editor of Algorithmica special issue and ECJ special issue
Reviewer for IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation, ECJ, Journal of Global Optimization, JMLR, JOTA, MEME, PC member of PPSN, GECCO, EuroGP, FOGA
Co-organizer of GECCO 2012 Black-Box-Optimization-Benchmarking workshop.
Co-organiser of a one-day interdisciplinary workshop on Information processing in complex systems with applications to traffic forecasting at Inria place d'Italie in Paris.
PC member for: IEEE/ACM Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) since 2009; Utility Cloud Computing (UCC) since 2011; IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing since 2005; SP Cloud workshop; EGEE/EGI user forum since 2008.
Member (elected) of the University scientific council and board (Conseil Scientifique de l'Université et bureau).
Editorial Board member of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press;
Co-organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar 13271 Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms
Co-organizer of the ACM-GECCO 2012 Black-Box-Optimization-Benchmarking workshop
PC member of most of the important conferences in the area of Evolutionary Computation
Elected member of ACM-SIGEVO Executive since 2003 (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (was the International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms before 2006); member of ACM-GECCO Business Committee (2012-2013).
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Member of Steering Committee (since 1998);
Co-chair with Youssef Hamadi (MSR Cambridge) of the LION'6 conference (Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN) in Paris, January 2012.
Editorial Board of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press (Editor in Chief, 2002-2009); Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag; Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier; Natural Computing Series, Springer Verlag.
PC member of all important conferences in the area of Evolutionary Computation (ACM-GECCO, PPSN, EvoStar, IEEE-CEC, SEAL, SAC, ...).
Honorary Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia (renewed until end 2015).
Member of the CoNRS; Senior Advisory Board CHIST-ERA; member of the CSFRS (Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et Recherche Stratégique);
Pattern Analysis, Statistical Learning and Computational Modelling NoE, Member of Steering Committee (PASCAL 2004-2008; PASCAL2, 2008- );
Editorial Board of Machine Learning Journal, Springer Verlag; Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag.
Member of the European Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Steering Committee since 2010;
reviewer for ERC applications; FNRS (Belgium), NSWO (Netherlands).
Reviewer for various conferences and journals in optimization and machine learning.
Organizer a forum in Taiwan ( ) for developing collaborations between European and Taiwanese experts of energy management.
Organizer of an international meeting in France (combining academics and companies) as detailed in Section 8.5.1 .