Section: New Results

Large scale indexing and classification techniques

Image retrieval and classification

Participants : Rachid BenMokhtar, Jonathan Delhumeau, Patrick Gros, Mihir Jain, Hervé Jégou, Josip Krapac.

This work was partially done in collaboration with Matthijs Douze and Cordelia Schmid (LEAR), Florent Perronnin and Jorge Sanchez (Xerox), Patrick Pérez (Technicolor) and Ondrej Chum (CVUT Prague). It was partly done in the context of the Quaero project.

Our work on very large scale image search has addressed [14] the joint optimization of three antinomic criterions: speed, memory resources and search quality. We have considered techniques aggregating local image descriptors into a vector and show that the Fisher kernel achieves better performance than the reference bag-of-visual words approach for any given vector dimension. The joint optimization of dimensionality reduction with indexing allowed us to obtain a precise vector comparison as well as a compact representation. The evaluation shows that the image representation can be reduced to a few dozen bytes while preserving high accuracy. Searching a 100 million image dataset takes about 250 ms on one processor core.

This work has been further improved [45] by modifying the way the similarity between images is computed, in particular we have shown that whitening is an effective way to fully exploit multiple vocabularies along with bag-of-visual words and VLAD representations.

We have also considered the problem of image classification, which goal is to produce a semantic representation of the images in the form of text labels reflecting the object categories contained in the images. We have proposed a technique derived from a matching system [44] based on Hamming Embedding and a similarity space mapping. The results outperform the state-of-the-art among matching systems such as NBNN. On some datasets such as Caltech-256, our results compare favorably to the best techniques, namely the Fisher vector representation.

Intensive use of SVM for text mining and image mining

Participants : Thanh Nghi Doan, François Poulet.

Following our previous work on large scale image classification [58] , we have developed a fast and efficient framework for large scale image classification. Most of the state of the art approaches use a linear SVM (eg LIBLINEAR) for the training task. Another solution can be to use the new Power Mean SVM (PmSVM) with power mean kernel functions that can solve a binary classification problem with millions of examples and tens of thousands of dense features in a few seconds (excluding the time to read the input files). We are working on a parallel version of this algorithm and trying to deal with unbalanced datasets: in ImageNet1000 dataset, there are 1,000 classes, this is a very unbalanced classification task so we use a balanced bagging parallel algorithm. The time needed to perform the training task on ImageNet1000 was almost 1 day with the original PmSVM algorithm and 2.5 days for LIBLINEAR, we achieve it within 10 min and with a relative precision increase of more than 20%. We are currently working to reduce the RAM needed to perform the task (today  30GB).

Audio indexing

Participants : Jonathan Delhumeau, Guillaume Gravier, Patrick Gros, Hervé Jégou.

This work was done in the context of the Quaero project.

Our new Babaz audio search system [46] aims at finding modified audio segments in large databases of music or video tracks. It is based on an efficient audio feature matching system which exploits the reciprocal nearest neighbors to produce a per-match similarity score. Temporal consistency is taken into account based on the audio matches, and boundary estimation allows the precise localization of the matching segments. The method is mainly intended for video retrieval based on their audio track, as typically evaluated in the copy detection task of Trecvid evaluation campaigns. The evaluation conducted on music retrieval shows that our system is comparable to a reference audio fingerprinting system for music retrieval, and significantly outperforms it on audio-based video retrieval, as shown by our experiments conducted on the dataset used in the copy detection task of the Trecvid'2010 campaign, which was used as an external evaluation in the Quaero project.

Approximate nearest neighbor search with compact codes

Participants : Teddy Furon, Hervé Jégou.

This work was done in collaboration with the Metiss project team (Anthony Bourrier and Rémi Gribonval). It was partly done in the context of the Quaero project.

Following recent works on Hamming Embedding techniques, we proposed [47] a binarization method that aim at addressing the problem of nearest neighbor search for the Euclidean metric by mapping the original vectors into binary vectors ones, which are compact in memory, and for which the distance computation is more efficient. Our method is based on the recent concept of anti-sparse coding, which exhibits here excellent performance for approximate nearest neighbor search. Unlike other binarization schemes, this framework allows, up to a scaling factor, the explicit reconstruction from the binary representation of the original vector. We also show that random projections which are used in Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithms, are significantly outperformed by regular frames for both synthetic and real data if the number of bits exceeds the vector dimensionality, i.e., when high precision is required.

Another aspect we have investigated in this line of research is the problem of efficient nearest neighbor search for arbitrary kernels. For this purpose, we have combined [76] the product quantization technique [4] with explicit embeddings, and showed that this solution significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art technique designed for arbitrary kernels, such as Kernelized Locality Sensitive Hashing. In addition, we have proposed a variant to perform the exact search.

Indexing and searching large image collections with map-reduce

Participants : Laurent Amsaleg, Gylfi Gudmundsson.

This work was done in the context of the Quaero project.

Most researchers working on high-dimensional indexing agree on the following three trends: (i) the size of the multimedia collections to index are now reaching millions if not billions of items, (ii) the computers we use every day now come with multiple cores and (iii) hardware becomes more available, thanks to easier access to Grids and/or Clouds. This work shows how the Map-Reduce paradigm can be applied to indexing algorithms and demonstrates that great scalability can be achieved using Hadoop, a popular Map-Reduce-based framework. Dramatic performance improvements are not however guaranteed a priori: Such frameworks are rigid, they severely constrain the possible access patterns to data and the RAM memory has to be shared. Furthermore, algorithms require major redesign, and may have to settle for sub-optimal behavior. The benefits, however, are numerous: Simplicity for programmers, automatic distribution, fault tolerance, failure detection and automatic re-runs and, last but not least, scalability. We report our experience of adapting a clustering-based high-dimensional indexing algorithm to the Map-Reduce model, and of testing it at large scale with Hadoop as we index 30 billion SIFT descriptors. We draw several lessons from this work that could minimize time, effort and energy invested by other researchers and practitioners working in similar directions.


Participant : Vincent Claveau.

The vectorization principle allows the description of any object in a vector space based on its similarity with pivots objects. During the last years, we have shown that such a technique can be successfully used for Information Retrieval or Topic Segmentation. This year, TexMex has demonstrated how it can be used in a pure data-mining framework by participating to the JRS2012 framework. The task proposed was a high-dimensional and multi-class machine learning problem. Our approach, based on a simple kNN using vectorization has proved its interest, since it was ranked in top-methods while requiring no training phase nor complex setting.