Section: Dissemination

Teaching – Supervision – Juries


ENS Paris
  • Undergraduate course (master level, DIENS) by M. Lelarge and M. Leconte, on Information Theory and Coding (24h + 24h of exercise session).

  • Course on Communication Networks (master level, DIENS) by F. Baccelli, A. Bouillard and A. Bušić (24h + 24h of exercice sessions).

  • Course on Network Modeling (master level, MPRI) by F. Baccelli and A. Bouillard (24h)

  • Undergraduate course (master level, DIENS) by A. Bouillard and P. Brémaud, on Random Structures and Algorithms (35h + 28h of exercise session).

  • Undergraduate exercise session (master level, DIENS) by A. Bouillard on formal languages, computability and complexity (12h).

ENS Cachan - Antenne de Bretagne
  • Preparation to the oral exams of the agregation of mathematics (computer science option) by A. Bouillard (11h).

UPMC, Paris 6
  • Graduate Course on point processes, stochastic geometry and random graphs (program ”Master de Sciences et Technologies”), B. Błaszczyszyn and L. Massoulié (45h).

  • Undergraduate course onconception of algorithms and applications (Licence Informatique, 3rd year), A. Bušić (24h)

Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
  • Graduate course on simulation (M2 COSY), A. Bušić (6h).

Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
  • Network half of an undergraduate course (L3 Licence MIAGE) by M. Leconte on Systems and Networks (18h)


  • PhD: Emilie Coupechoux, “Analysis of large random graphs”, started in September 2009, defended on December 10, 2012, adviser M. Lelarge, F. Baccelli; see [5] .

  • PhD: Mir Omid Haji Mirsadeghi, “Routing on Point Processes”, started in 2009, defended on Julay 11, 2012, adviser F. Baccelli; see [6] .

  • PhD: Frédéric Morlot, “Mobility Models for Communication Networks”, started in 2008, defended on Julay 2, 2012; adviser F. Baccelli; see [7] .

  • PhD in progress: Tien Viet Nguyen, “Random Packing Models”, started in 2009, adviser F. Baccelli.

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Leconte, “Propagation d'information et recommandations dans les réseaux sociaux”, started in January 2011, adviser M. Lelarge, F. Baccelli;

  • PhD in progress: Aurore Junier, “Tuning parameters in routing protocoles” started in September 2010, advisers A. Bouillard and C. Jard;

  • PhD in progress: Kumar Gaurav, “ Convex comparison of network architectures” started in October 2011, adviser B. Błaszczyszyn;

  • PhD in progress: Miodrag Jovanović, “Evaluation and optimization of the quality perceived by mobile users for new services in cellular networks” started in January 2012, adviser B. Błaszczyszyn;

  • PostDoc's: Anastasios Giovanidis, Holger Paul Keeler, Chandramani Singh.


  • François Baccelli

    PhD defence of Eduardo Ferraz (Telecom ParisTech, February 2012).

  • Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn

    PhD defence of Kehao Wang (Paris Sud, June 2012, reviewer), Arash Behboodi (Supelec, June 2012), Thanh Tung Vu (Telecom PrisTech, September 2012), Salman Malik (Inria/UPMC, November 2012), associate-professor hiring-committee at Département Informatique, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Université de Lorraine (Section 27, Poste 27 PR 072, May 2012).

  • Anne Bouillard

    PhD defence of Laurent Jouhet (ENS Lyon, november, 7th), admission jury at the ENS Cachan entrance exam.