Section: New Results

Random Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization

Participants : Emilie Coupechoux, Kumar Gaurav, Mathieu Leconte, Marc Lelarge.

random graphs, combinatorial optimization, local weak convergence, diffusion, network games.

Matchings in infinite graphs

In [13] with Charles Bordenave [CNRS-Université de Toulouse] and Justin Salez [Université Paris 7], we proved that for any sequence of (deterministic or random) graphs converging locally, the corresponding sequence of normalized matching numbers converges, and this limit depends only on the limit of the graph sequence. In the particular case where this limit is a unimodular Galton Watson tree, we were able to compute explicitly the value for the limit of the sequence of (normalized) matching numbers. This leads to an explicit formula that considerably extends the well-known one by Karp and Sipser for Erdős-Rényi random graphs.

We considered a natural family of Gibbs distributions over matchings on a finite graph, parameterized by a single positive number called the temperature. The correlation decay technique can be applied for the analysis of matchings at positive temperature and allowed us to establish the weak convergence of the Gibbs marginal as the underlying graph converges locally. However for the zero temperature problem (i.e. maximum matchings), we showed that there is no correlation decay even in very simple cases. By using a complex temperature and a half-plane property due to Heilmann and Lieb, we were able to let the temperature tend to zero and obtained a limit theorem for the asymptotic size of a maximum matching in the graph sequence.

Convergence of Multivariate Belief Propagation, with Applications to Cuckoo Hashing and Load Balancing

In [58] , with Laurent Massoulié [Inria-MSR], we extend the results obtained previously on the asymptotic size of maximum matchings in random graphs converging locally to Galton-Watson trees to so-called capacitated b-matchings (with non-unitary capacity at vertices as well as constraints on individual edges). Compared to the matching case, this involves studying the convergence of a message passing algorithms which transmits vectors instead of single real numbers. We also look further into an application of these results to large multiple-choice hashtables. In particular, cuckoo hashing is a popular and simple way to build a hashtable where each item is only allowed to be assigned keys within a predetermined, random subset of all keys. In this context, it is important to determine the load threshold under which cuckoo hashing will succeed with high probability in building such a hashtable. The results on the density of maximum capacitated b-matchings allow to determine this threshold.

A new approach to the orientation of random hypergraphs

A h-uniform hypergraph H=(V,E) is called (l,k)-orientable if there exists an assignment of each hyperedge e to exactly l of its vertices such that no vertex is assigned more than k hyperedges. Let Hn,m,h be a hypergraph, drawn uniformly at random from the set of all h-uniform hypergraphs with n vertices and m edges. In [41] , we determine the threshold of the existence of a (l,k)-orientation of Hn,m,h for k1 and h>l1, extending recent results motivated by applications such as cuckoo hashing or load balancing with guaranteed maximum load. Our proof combines the local weak convergence of sparse graphs and a careful analysis of a Gibbs measure on spanning subgraphs with degree constraints. It allows us to deal with a much broader class than the uniform hypergraphs.

Bipartite graph structures for efficient balancing of heterogeneous loads

In [40] , with Laurent Massoulié [Inria-MSR], we look into another application of the results on the asymptotic maximum size of b-matchings to large scale distributed content service platforms, such as peer-to-peer video-on-demand systems. In this context, the density of maximum b-matchings corresponds to the maximum fraction of simultaneously satisfiable requests, when the service resources are limited and each server can only handle requests for a predetermined subset of the contents which it has stored in memory. An important design aspect of such systems is the content placement strategy onto the servers depending on the estimated content popularities; the results obtained allow to characterize the efficiency of such placement strategies and the optimal strategies in the limit of large storage capacity at servers are determined.

Flooding in Weighted Random Graphs

In a joint work [8] with Hamed Amini [EPFL] and Moez Draief [Imperial College London], we studied the impact of the edge weights on distances in diluted random graphs. We interpret these weights as delays, and take them as i.i.d exponential random variables. We analyzed the edge flooding time defined as the minimum time needed to reach all nodes from one uniformly chosen node, and the edge diameter corresponding to the worst case edge flooding time. Under some regularity conditions on the degree sequence of the random graph, we showed that these quantities grow as the logarithm of n, when the size of the graph n tends to infinity. We also derived the exact value for the prefactors.

These allowed us to analyze an asynchronous randomized broadcast algorithm for random regular graphs. Our results show that the asynchronous version of the algorithm performs better than its synchronized version: in the large size limit of the graph, it will reach the whole network faster even if the local dynamics are similar on average.

Upper deviations for split times of branching processes

In [9] , upper deviation results are obtained for the split time of a supercritical continuous-time Markov branching process. More precisely, with Hamed Amini [EPFL], we establish the existence of logarithmic limits for the likelihood that the split times of the process are greater than an identified value and determine an expression for the limiting quantity. We also give an estimation for the lower deviation probability of the split times which shows that the scaling is completely different from the upper deviations.

Epidemics in random clustered networks

In [54] , we study a model of random networks that has both a given degree distribution and a tunable clustering coefficient. We consider two types of growth processes on these graphs: diffusion and symmetric threshold model. The diffusion process is inspired from epidemic models. It is characterized by an infection probability, each neighbor transmitting the epidemic independently. In the symmetric threshold process, the interactions are still local but the propagation rule is governed by a threshold (that might vary among the different nodes). An interesting example of symmetric threshold process is the contagion process, which is inspired by a simple coordination game played on the network. Both types of processes have been used to model spread of new ideas, technologies, viruses or worms and results have been obtained for random graphs with no clustering. In this paper, we are able to analyze the impact of clustering on the growth processes. While clustering inhibits the diffusion process, its impact for the contagion process is more subtle and depends on the connectivity of the graph: in a low connectivity regime, clustering also inhibits the contagion, while in a high connectivity regime, clustering favors the appearance of global cascades but reduces their size. For both diffusion and symmetric threshold models, we characterize conditions under which global cascades are possible and compute their size explicitly, as a function of the degree distribution and the clustering coefficient. Our results are applied to regular or power-law graphs with exponential cutoff and shed new light on the impact of clustering.

Leveraging Side Observations in Stochastic Bandits

The paper [37] considers stochastic bandits with side observations, a model that accounts for both the exploration/exploitation dilemma and relationships between arms. In this setting, after pulling an arm i, the decision maker also observes the rewards for some other actions related to i. We will see that this model is suited to content recommendation in social networks, where users' reactions may be endorsed or not by their friends. We provide efficient algorithms based on upper confidence bounds (UCBs) to leverage this additional information and derive new bounds improving on standard regret guarantees. We also evaluate these policies in the context of movie recommendation in social networks: experiments on real datasets show substantial learning rate speedups ranging from 2.2x to 14x on dense networks.

Universality in Polytope Phase Transitions and Message Passing Algorithms

In [28] , with Mohsen Bayati and Andrea Montanari [Stanford], we consider a class of nonlinear mappings F in RN indexed by symmetric random matrices A in RN×N with independent entries. Within spin glass theory, special cases of these mappings correspond to iterating the TAP equations and were studied by Erwin Bolthausen. Within information theory, they are known as 'approximate message passing' algorithms. We study the high-dimensional (large N) behavior of the iterates of F for polynomial functions F, and prove that it is universal, i.e. it depends only on the first two moments of the entries of A, under a subgaussian tail condition. As an application, we prove the universality of a certain phase transition arising in polytope geometry and compressed sensing. This solves -for a broad class of random projections- a conjecture by David Donoho and Jared Tanner.

Far-out Vertices In Weighted Repeated Configuration Model

In [34] we consider an edge-weighted uniform random graph with a given degree sequence (Repeated Configuration Model) which is a useful approximation for many real-world networks. It has been observed that the vertices which are separated from the rest of the graph by a distance exceeding certain threshold play an important role in determining some global properties of the graph like diameter, flooding time etc., in spite of being statistically rare. We give a convergence result for the distribution of the number of such far-out vertices. We also make a conjecture about how this relates to the longest edge of the minimal spanning tree on the graph under consideration.