Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


TREC participates in the Laboratory of Information, Networking and Communication Sciences (LINCS); http://www.lincs.fr/ created on October 28th, 2010, by three French institutions of higher education and research: Inria, Institut Télécom and UPMC. Alcatel-Lucent joined the LINCS in February 2011 as a strategic partner.

Digiteo ACRON

Participant : Bartłomiej Błaszczyszyn.

Project Analyse et Conception de Réseaux Sans Fil Auto-Organisés (ACRON) started in 2011. Coordinator: Supélec (Télécommunications), Partners: Inria HIPERCOM, Université Paris-Sud, IEF. Trec is associated partner.

The objective of this project is to work on characterization of the fundamental performance limits of large self-organizing wireless networks and develop distributed and self-organizing communication techniques that will approach the theoretical limits.