Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : Benoit Combemale, Didier Vojtisek, Olivier Barais, Arnaud Blouin, Benoit Baudry.

Heterogeneous modeling, model driven engineering, executable metamodeling, models of computation, simulation.

The ANR project GEMOC (French Agency for Research, Program INS 2012) focuses on a generic framework for heterogeneous software model execution and dynamic analysis. This work has the ambition to propose an innovative environment for the design of complex software-intensive systems by providing:

  • a formal framework that integrates state-of-the-art in model-driven engineering (MDE) to build domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), and models of computation (MoC) to reason over the composition of heterogeneous concerns;

  • an open-source design and modeling environment associated to a well-defined method for the definition of DSMLs, MoCs and rigorous composition of all concerns for execution and analysis purposes.

This requires addressing two major scientific issues: the design and verification of a formal framework to combine several different DSMLs relying on distinct MoCs; the design and validation of a methodology for DSMLs and MoC development. GEMOC aims at participating in the development of next generation MDE environments through a rigorous, tool-supported process for the definition of executable DSMLs and the simulation of heterogeneous models.

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

253 keuros

Number of person/years:


Project Coordinator:

Inria (Triskell)


ENSTA Bretagne, Inria, IRIT, I3S, Obeo, Thales


Participants : Johann Bourcier, Olivier Barais, Inti Gonzalez.

JVM, Kevoree, Models@Runtime

INFRA-JVM is an ANR project whose goal is to design and provide a new Java Virtual Machine dedicated to pervasive environments. This project focuses on designing a Java Virtual Machine for embedded computing platform offering dynamic reconfiguration capabilities. The project focuses on the three following parts:

  • Defining new mechanisms to provide component-based support for provisionning I/O and memory guarantee

  • Defining languages and runtime support for efficient process scheduling on multi-core platform

  • Optimizing the memory allocation on multi-core platforms.

Triskell mainly works this year on VMkit (the integration platform of the project) and Kevoree (our Component Based platform) to run Kevoree on top of VMkit.

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

193 keuros

Number of person/years:


Project Coordinator:

Université Paris 6


Université Paris 6, Université Bordeaux 1, Université Rennes 1 (Triskell), Ecole des Mines de Nantes


Participants : Benoit Baudry, Arnaud Blouin, Valéria Lelli, Nicolas Sannier.

requirement, software testing, critical system, HCI, MDE

The cluster CONNEXION (digital command CONntrol for Nuclear EXport and renovatION) aims to propose and validate an innovative architecture platforms suitable control systems for nuclear power plants in France and abroad. In this project the Triskell team investigates methods and tools to (i) automatically analyze and compare regulatory requirements evolutions and geographical differences; (ii) automatically generate test cases for critical interactive systems.

Project duration:


Triskell budget share:

515 keuros

Number of person/years:


Project Coordinator:



Atos WorldGrid, Rolls-Royce Civil Nuclear, Corys TESS, Esterel Technologies, All4Tec, Predict, CEA, Inria, CNRS / CRAN, ENS Cachan, LIG, Telecom ParisTech