Section: Dissemination


Teaching on 3D Medical Imaging (visualization, segmentation, fusion, management, normalization) and Image Guided Surgery in the following tracks:

  • Master 2 SIBM, University of Angers-Brest-Rennes : 26h (C. Barillot, O. Commowick, S. Prima, I. Corouge, E. Bannier, JY Gauvrit)

  • C. Barillot is responsible for one semester.

  • J-Y. Gauvrit is the coordinator for the Master.

  • Sylvain Prima gave two 3-hour lectures as an invited speaker at the SERA summer school (June 5-8, Tampere, Finland, http://www.cs.tut.fi/sera2012 )

  • Elise Bannier gave 4-day lecture in fMRI and E-Prime to Emmanuelle Le Bars, MR Physicist from the University Hospital of Montpellier (February 2012, Rennes, France). This training was funded by Siemens.

  • Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieur de Rennes (ESIR) : 60h in Medical Imaging (P. Maurel) and 60h in general Image Processing (P. Maurel)