Section: Software


Participants : Camille Maumet, Isabelle Corouge, Elise Bannier.

AutoMRI is an SPM-based set of tools to study structural and functional MRI data. This software is currently made up of 9 modules : autofMRI, autoVBM, automorpho, autoASL, autoFASL, autoROI, autoasltemplate, autofmriacontrario and autoNCEMRA. AutofMRI produces statistical maps of activations and deactivations at the group or the subject level based on functional MRI data. It can deal with block or event-related designs and is highly configurable in order to fit to a wide range of needs. autoVBM performs between-group voxel-based morphometric analysis in order to outline regions of grey (or white) matter volume reduction and increase. To further study a morphometric or a functional analysis, regions of interest analysis can be performed with autoROI. This module also provides the user with laterality indexes. Automorpho performs one-versus-many group analysis on anatomical data in order to outline pathological dysplasia or heterotopia. AutoFASL (collaboration with Rémi Dubujet) produces statistical maps of activations and deactivations at the group or the subject level based on functional Arterial Spin Labeling data. AutoASL performs between-group voxel-based morphometric analysis in order to outline regions of reduced (or increased) perfusion. Autoasltemplate focus on patient-specific detection of perfusion abnormalities with a standard massively univariate General Linear Model or with an a contrario approach. Autofmriacontrario provides an alternative to autofmri to produce statistical maps of activations and deactivations at the subject level using an a contrario approach. autoNCEMRA enables automatic processing of 4D MRA data to remove unwanted signal from the skull, using a mask based on 3D T1w segmentation of grey matter, white matter and CSF. Thus, denoised maximum intensity projections in axial, coronal and sagittal planes can be calculated to enable accurate assessment of hemodynamic patterns, from arterial input to venous drainage (in particular in patients presenting arteriovenous malformations).

  • Keywords : fMRI, MRI, ASL, fASL, SPM, automation

  • Software benefit: Automatic MRI data analysis based on SPM. Once the parameters are set, the analysis is performed without human interaction.

  • APP: Part in IDDN.FR.001.130017.000.S.A.2012.000.31230

  • Type of human computer interaction: Matlab function (script, no GUI)

  • OS/Middleware: Linux/Windows

  • Required library or software : Matlab, SPM, SPM toolboxes : Marsbar, LI-toolbox, NS

  • Programming language: Matlab

  • Documentation : Available