Section: Software and Platforms
The OpenKappa Modeling Plateform
Participants : Monte Brown [Harvard Medical School] , Vincent Danos [University of Edinburgh] , Jérôme Feret [Correspondent] , Luca Grieco, Walter Fontana [Harvard Medical School] , Russ Harmer [ENS Lyon] , Jean Krivine [Paris VII] .
Keywords: Causal traces, Model reduction, Rule-based modeling, Simulation, Static analysis.
OpenKappa is a collection of tools to build, debug and run models of biological pathways. It contains a compiler for the Kappa Language [53] , a static analyzer [52] (for debugging models), a simulator [51] , a compression tool for causal traces [50] , [48] , and a model reduction tool [4] , [49] , [58] .
OpenKappa is developed since 2007 and, the OCaml version currently consists of 46 000 lines of OCaml. Software are available in OCaml and in Java. Moreover, an Eclipse pluggin is available.A compiler from CellDesigner into Kappa has been released in 2013.
OpenKappa is freely available on the web at under the LGPL license. Discussion groups are also available on line.
Current external users include the ETH Zürich, the UNAM-Genomics Mexico team. It is used as pedagocical material in graduate lessons at Harvard Medical School, and at the Interdisciplinary Approaches to Life science (AIV) Master Program (Université de Médecine Paris-Descartes).