Section: New Results
A Constraint Solver Based on Abstract Domains
Participants : Marie Pelleau [University of Nantes, LINA] , Antoine Miné, Charlotte Truchet [University of Nantes, LINA] , Frédéric Benhamou [University of Nantes, LINA] .
Keywords: Abstract interpretation, Backward analysis, Numerical abstract domains, Static analysis, Sufficient condition inference, Under-approximations.
In [18] and [19] we apply techniques from abstract interpretation to constraint programming (which aims at solving hard combinatorial problems with a generic framework based on first-order logics). We highlight some links and differences between these fields: both compute fixpoints by iterations but employ different extrapolation and refinement strategies; moreover, consistencies in constraint programming can be mapped to non-relational abstract domains. We then use these correspondences to build an abstract constraint solver that leverages abstract interpretation techniques (such as relational domains) to go beyond classic solvers. We present encouraging experimental results obtained with our prototype implementation.