Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Permanent members teach the following courses.
Laurence Duchien heads the research program in Master of Computer Science at University Lille 1. She heads the Carrières et Emplois service and is referent for the professional insertion in the PhD program in Computer Science at PRES University Lille Nord de France. She is also Director of Doctoral Studies for Computer Science in Doctoral School Engineering Science (SPI) - PRES Lille Nord de France. She teaches the following courses:
Software Project Management, 50h, Level M2, Master MIAGE, University Lille 1,
Design of distributed applications, 42h, Level M1, Master of Computer Science, University Lille 1,
Software Product Lines, 8h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science, University Lille 1,
Research and Innovation Initiation, 22h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science, University Lille 1,
Tutoring Internship, 16h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science, University Lille 1.
Martin Monperrus teaches at the University Lille undergraduate and graduate courses. In particular:
Introduction to programming, 48h, Level L1, Licence of Computer Science, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Object-oriented design, 39h, Level L3, Licence of Computer Science, UFR IEEA,
Automated software engineering, 40h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science speciality IAGL, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1.
Romain Rouvoy heads the IAGL specialty of the Master of Computer Science at the University Lille 1. He supervises the Agil-IT Junior Enterprise and gives the following courses at the University Lille 1:
Initiation à la Programmation, 48h, Level L1, Licence of Computer Science, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Conception d'Applications Réparties, 42h, Level M1, Master of Computer Science, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Qualité du Logiciel, 30h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science speciality MIAGE, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Infrastructures et Frameworks Internet, 8h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science speciality IAGL, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Innovation & Initiation à la Recherche, 14h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science speciality IAGL, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Intergiciels Orienté Services, 50h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science speciality IPI-NT, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Suivi de projets, 60h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1,
Suivi d'alternants, 60h, Level M2, Master of Computer Science, UFR IEEA, University Lille 1.
Lionel Seinturier has headed the E-Services specialty of the Master of Computer Science at the University Lille 1 until August 2013. He gives the following graduate courses at the University Lille 1:
Conception d'Applications Réparties, 18h, M1, University Lille 1,
Infrastructures et Frameworks Internet, 6h, M2, University Lille 1.
PhD: Rémi Druilhe, Power Efficiency of Services in Dynamic and Heterogeneous Dynamic Systems, 5 December 2013, Laurence Duchien & Lionel Seinturier.
PhD: Russel Nzekwa, Building Manageable Autonomic Control Loops for Large Scale Systems, 5 July 2013, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Maxime Colmant, Amélioration de l'efficience énergétique des logiciels dans les systèmes multi-coeurs, October 2013, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Benoit Cornu, Automated Runtime Software Repair, October 2012, Lionel Seinturier & Martin Monperrus.
PhD in progress: Alexandre Feugas, Maintien de la qualité de service au cours de l'évolution d'applications orientées services, October 2010, Laurence Duchien & Sébastien Mosser (Lab. I3S, University Nice-Sophia-Antipolis).
PhD in progress: Maria Gomez Lacruz, Self-Optimization of Software Systems Driven by Wisdom of the Crowds, October 2013, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Nicolas Haderer, AntDroid: Opportunistic Mobile Sensing of User Activities, October 2010, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Geoffrey Hecht, Auto-optimisation des architectures orientées services : Application aux applications mobiles et Cloud, October 2013, Laurence Duchien & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Matias Martinez, Automated Program Repair at Development and Runtime, October 2011, Laurence Duchien & Martin Monperrus.
PhD in progress: Vincenzo Musco, Etude de la topologie et de l'évolution des graphes logiciels, October 2013, Philippe Preux (Inria SequeL) & Martin Monperrus.
PhD in progress: Adel Noureddine, Towards a Better Understanding of the Energy Consumption of Software Systems, October 2010, Defense planed on 19 March 2014, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
PhD in progress: Fawaz Paraïso, Interopérabilité des environnements middleware de cloud computing, October 2011, Lionel Seinturier & Philippe Merle.
PhD in progress: Clément Quinton, Migration d'applications dans les environnements middleware de cloud computing, October 2011, Laurence Duchien.
PhD in progress: Marc Sango, Composants logiciels, boucle de contrôle et adaptation pour applications safety critical dans le domaine ferroviaire, October 2012, Laurence Duchien & Christophe Gransart.
PhD in progress: Amal Tahri, Evolution logicielle multi-vues : des réseaux domestiques au Cloud, March 2013, Laurence Duchien & Jacques Pulou (Orange).
PhD in progress: Bo Zhang, Elasticité spontanée des services et infrastructures dans le Cloud, October 2013, Lionel Seinturier & Romain Rouvoy.
Laurence Duchien was in the following HDR examination committee:
Laurence Duchien was in the following PhD examination committees:
Pengfei Liu, University of Bordeaux, January 2013, (referee),
Mehdi Chouiten, University of Evry-Val d'Essone, January 2013, (co-referee),
Diana Guadalupe Moreno-Garcia, University of Grenoble, February 2013 (referee),
Jimmy Lauret, University of Toulouse, April 2013, (referee),
Thibaut Possompès, University of Montpellier, October 2013 (referee),
Rémi Druilhe, University Lille 1, December 2013 (co-director),
Aurélien Favarelon, University of Grenoble, December 2013 (referee).
Romain Rouvoy was in the following PhD examination committees:
Lionel Seinturier was in the following HDR examination committee:
Lionel Seinturier was in the following PhD examination committees:
François Fouquet, University Rennes 1, February 2013 (referee),
Elmedhi Damou, University Grenoble 1, October 2013 (referee),
Joao Americo, University Grenoble 1, November 2013 (referee),
Olga Melekhova, University Paris 6, November 2013 (referee),
Yacine Kessaci, University Lille 1, November 2013 (president),
Rémi Druilhe, University Lille 1, December 2013 (co-director),
Miruna Stoicescu, University Toulouse, December 2013 (referee),
Petr Spacek, University Montpellier 2, December 2013 (referee),
Sana Fathallah, University of Nice, December 2013 (referee).