Section: Software and Platforms
Participants : María Gómez Lacruz, Nicolas Haderer, Christophe Ribeiro, Romain Rouvoy [correspondant] .
APISENSE ® is a distributed platform dedicated to crowdsensing activities [30] , [31] , [24] , [77] , [67] , [66] . Crowdsensing intends to leverage mobile devices to seamlessly collect valuable dataset for different categories of stakeholders. APISENSE ® intends to be used in a wide variety of scientific and industrial domains, including network quality monitoring, social behavior analysis, epidemy predictions, emergency crisis support, open maps initiatives, wild applications debugging. APISENSE ® is composed of a Hive and an Honeycomb delivered as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to the stakeholders who can pilot and customize their own crowdsensing environment [77] , and Bee.mob supporting participants with a mobile application to control the sensors to be shared with the rest of the world [30] , [31] . The platform is used by the Metroscope project, an Internet scientific observatory initiative supported by Inria.
Web site: . Registered with the APP (Agence pour la Protection des Programmes) under reference IDDN.FR.001.080006.000.S.P.2013.000.10000 is pending. License: Proprietary.