Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
France Telecom
Participants : Rémi Druilhe, Laurence Duchien [correspondant] , Romain Rouvoy, Lionel Seinturier, Amal Tahri.
DigiHome is a contract with France Telecom to study the adaptation of software systems in distributed digital home environments. These environments and their extensions (vehicles, holiday homes, work at home) are now invaded by a multitude of communicating objects dedicated to content management, viewing multiple video streams, or information sharing within a community network. These objects offer services with capacities of configuration and remote administration, and advanced interactions with the end-user or between devices or services. Given the lack of universality of proposals from IT and device companies and the lack of interoperability of these devices and services, it becomes necessary to offer a virtual environment named Extended Digital Home to encompass and unify these proposals and make life easier for the inhabitants. First, we will propose a unified model for integrating devices and services inside and outside the home with a continuum between private and public lives. Second, we will study an energy model to save energy in this extended environment. Overall, the goal of this project will be to propose to design a model for a cloud inside home and to provide some means to reduce the energy using on media devices. First results have been published in [73] and [63] . This contract is complemented by two contracts, which are the CIFRE contract associated to Rémi Druilhe PhD thesis [11] and the CIFRE contract associated to Amal Tahri PhD thesis.