Section: New Results

Processor Architecture within the ERC DAL project

Participants : Pierre Michaud, Nathanaël Prémillieu, Luis Germán Garcia Morales, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Sylvain Collange, André Seznec, Arthur Perais, Surya Natarajan, Sajith Kalathingal, Tao Sun, Andrea Mondelli, Aswinkumar Sridharan, Alain Ketterlin, Kamil Kedzierski.

Processor, cache, locality, memory hierarchy, branch prediction, multicore, power, temperature

Multicore processors have now become mainstream for both general-purpose and embedded computing. Instead of working on improving the architecture of the next generation multicore, with the DAL project, we deliberately anticipate the next few generations of multicores. While multicores featuring 1000s of cores might become feasible around 2020, there are strong indications that sequential programming style will continue to be dominant. Even future mainstream parallel applications will exhibit large sequential sections. Amdahl's law indicates that high performance on these sequential sections is needed to enable overall high performance on the whole application. On many (most) applications, the effective performance of future computer systems using a 1000-core processor chip will significantly depend on their performance on both sequential code sections and single threads.

We envision that, around 2020, the processor chips will feature a few complex cores and many (may be 1000's) simpler, more silicon and power effective cores.

In the DAL research project, http://www.irisa.fr/alf/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=55&Itemid=3&lang=en , we explore the microarchitecture techniques that will be needed to enable high performance on such heterogeneous processor chips. Very high performance will be required on both sequential sections, -legacy sequential codes, sequential sections of parallel applications-, and critical threads on parallel applications, -e.g. the main thread controlling the application. Our research focuses essentially on enhancing single process performance.

Microarchitecture exploration of control flow reconvergence

Participants : Nathanaël Prémillieu, André Seznec.

After continuous progress over the past 15 years [8] , [10] , the accuracy of branch predictors seems to be reaching a plateau. Other techniques to limit control dependency impact are needed. Control flow reconvergence is an interesting property of programs. After a multi-option control-flow instruction (i.e. either a conditional branch or an indirect jump including returns), all the possible paths merge at a given program point: the reconvergence point.

Superscalar processors rely on aggressive branch prediction, out-of-order execution and instruction level parallelism for achieving high performance. Therefore, on a superscalar core , the overall speculative execution after the mispredicted branch is cancelled, leading to a substantial waste of potential performance. However, deep pipelines and out-of-order execution induce that, when a branch misprediction is resolved, instructions following the reconvergence point have already been fetched, decoded and sometimes executed. While some of this executed work has to be cancelled since data dependencies exist, canceling the control independent work is a waste of resources and performance. We have proposed a new hardware mechanism called SYRANT, SYmmetric Resource Allocation on Not-taken and Taken paths, addressing control flow reconvergence at a reasonable cost. Moreover, as a side contribution of this research we have shown that, for a modest hardware cost, the outcomes of the branches executed on the wrong paths can be used to guide branch prediction on the correct path [13] .

Efficient Execution on Guarded Instruction Sets

Participants : Nathanaël Prémillieu, André Seznec.

ARM ISA based processors are no longer low complexity processors. Nowadays, ARM ISA based processor manufacturers are struggling to implement medium-end to high-end processor cores which implies implementing a state-of-the-art out-of-order execution engine. Unfortunately providing efficient out-of-order execution on legacy ARM codes may be quite challenging due to guarded instructions.

Predicting the guarded instructions addresses the main serialization impact associated with guarded instructions execution and the multiple definition problem. Moreover, guard prediction allows to use a global branch-and-guard history predictor to predict both branches and guards, often improving branch prediction accuracy. Unfortunately such a global branch-and-guard history predictor requires the systematic use of guard predictions. In that case, poor guard prediction accuracy would lead to poor overall performance on some applications.

Building on top of recent advances in branch prediction and confidence estimation, we propose a hybrid branch and guard predictor, combining a global branch history component and global branch-and-guard history component. The potential gain or loss due to the systematic use of guard prediction is dynamically evaluated at run-time. Two computing modes are enabled: systematic guard prediction use and high confidence only guard prediction use. Our experiments show that on most applications, an overwhelming majority of guarded instructions are predicted. Therefore a relatively inefficient but simple hardware solution can be used to execute the few unpredicted guarded instructions. Significant performance benefits are observed on most applications while applications with poorly predictable guards do not suffer from performance loss [35] , [34] , [13] .

Revisiting Value Prediction

Participants : Arthur Perais, André Seznec.

Value prediction was proposed in the mid 90's to enhance the performance of high-end microprocessors. The research on Value Prediction techniques almost vanished in the early 2000's as it was more effective to increase the number of cores than to dedicate some silicon area to Value Prediction. However high end processor chips currently feature 8-16 high-end cores and the technology will allow to implement 50-100 of such cores on a single die in a foreseeable future. Amdahl's law suggests that the performance of most workloads will not scale to that level. Therefore, dedicating more silicon area to value prediction in high-end cores might be considered as worthwhile for future multicores.

First, we introduce a new value predictor VTAGE harnessing the global branch history [32] . VTAGE directly inherits the structure of the indirect jump predictor ITTAGE [8] . VTAGE is able to predict with a very high accuracy many values that were not correctly predicted by previously proposed predictors, such as the FCM predictor and the stride predictor. Three sources of information can be harnessed by these predictors: the global branch history, the differences of successive values and the local history of values. Moreover, VTAGE does not suffer from short critical prediction loops and can seamlessly handle back-to-back predictions, contrarily to previously proposed, hard to implement FCM predictors.

Second, we show that all predictors are amenable to very high accuracy at the cost of some loss on prediction coverage [32] . This greatly diminishes the number of value mispredictions and allows to delay validation until commit-time. As such, no complexity is added in the out-of-order engine because of VP (save for ports on the register file) and pipeline squashing at commit-time can be used to recover. This is crucial as adding selective replay in the OoO core would tremendously increase complexity.

Third, we leverage the possibility of validating predictions at commit to introduce a new microarchitecture, EOLE [31] . EOLE features Early Execution to execute simple instructions whose operands are ready in parallel with Rename and Late Execution to execute simple predicted instructions and high confidence branches just before Commit. EOLE depends on Value Prediction to provide operands for Early Execution and predicted instructions for Late Execution. However, Value Prediction requires EOLE to become truly practical. That is, EOLE allows to reduce the out-of-order issue-width by 33% without impeding performance. As such, the number of ports on the register file diminishes. Furthermore, optimizations of the register file such as banking further reduce the number of required ports. Overall EOLE possesses a register file whose complexity is on-par with that of a regular wider-issue superscalar while the out-of-order components (scheduler , bypass) are greatly simplified. Moreover, thanks to Value Prediction, speedup is obtained on many benchmarks of the SPEC'00/'06 suite.

Helper threads

Participants : Bharath Narasimha Swamy, Alain Ketterlin, André Seznec.

As the number of cores on die increases with the improvements in silicon process technology, the strategy of replicating identical cores does not scale to meet the performance needs of mixed workloads. Heterogeneous Many Cores (HMC) that mix many simple cores with a few complex cores are emerging as a design alternative that can provide both high performance and power-efficient execution. The availability of many simple cores in a HMC presents an opportunity to utilize low power cores to accelerate sequential execution on the complex core. For example simple cores can execute pre-computational (or helper) code and generate prefetch requests for the main thread.

We explore the design of a lightweight architectural framework that provides instruction set support and a low-latency interface to simple-cores for efficient helper code execution. We utilize static analyses and profile data to generate helper codelets that target delinquent loads in the main thread. The main thread is instrumented to initiate helper execution ahead of time, and utilizes instruction set support to signal helper execution on the simple core, and to pass live-in values for the helper codelet. Pre-computational code executes on the simple core and generates prefetch requests that install data into a shared last-level cache. Initial experiments with a trace based simulation framework show that helper execution has the potential to cover cache-missing loads on the main thread.

The restriction of prefetching to a lower level shared cache in a loosely coupled system limits the benefits of helper execution. The main thread should have a low latency access mechanism to data prefetched by helper execution. We plan to explore direct, yet light weight, mechanisms for data communication between the helper core and the main core.

Adaptive Intelligent Memory Systems

Participants : André Seznec, Aswinkumar Sridharan.

On multicores, the processors are sharing the memory hierarchy, buses, caches, and memory. The performance of any single application is impacted by its environment and the behavior of the other applications co-running on the multicore. Different strategies have been proposed to isolate the behavior of the different co-running applications, for example performance isolation cache partitioning, while several studies have addressed the global issue of optimizing throughput through the cache management.

However these studies are limited to a few cores (2-4-8) and generally features mechanisms that cannot scale to 50-100 cores. Moreover so far the academic propositions have generally taken into account a single parameter, the cache replacement policy or the cache partitioning. Other parameters such as cache prefetching and its aggressiveness already impact the behavior of a single thread application on a uniprocessor. Cache prefetching policy of each thread will also impact the behavior of all the co-running threads.

Our objective is to define an Adaptive and Intelligent Memory System management hardware, AIMS. The goal of AIMS will be to dynamically adapt the different parameters of the memory hierarchy access for each individual co-running process in order to achieve a global objective such as optimized throughput, thread fairness or respecting quality of services for some privileged threads.

Modeling multi-threaded programs execution time in the many-core era

Participants : Surya Natarajan, Bharath Narasimha Swamy, André Seznec.

Multi-core have become ubiquitous and industry is already moving towards the many-core era. Many open- ended questions remain unanswered for the upcoming many-core era. From the software perspective, it is unclear which applications will be able to benefit from many cores. From the hardware perspective, the tradeoff between implementing many simple cores, fewer medium aggressive cores or even only a moderate number of aggressive cores is still in debate. Estimating the potential performance of future parallel applications on the yet-to-be-designed future many cores is very speculative. The simple models proposed by Amdahl's law or Gustafson's law are not sufficient and may lead to erroneous conclusions. In this paper, we propose a still simple execution time model for parallel applications, the SNAS model. As previous models, the SNAS model evaluates the execution time of both the serial part and the parallel part of the application, but takes into account the scaling of both these execution times with the input problem size and the number of processors. For a given application, a few parameters are collected on the effective execution of the application with a few threads and small input sets. The SNAS model allows to extrapolate the behavior of a future application exhibiting similar scaling characteristics on a many core and/or a large input set. Our study shows that the execution time of the serial part of many parallel applications tends to increase along with the problem size, and in some cases with the number of processors. It also shows that the efficiency of the execution of the parallel part decreases dramatically with the number of processors for some applications. Our model also indicates that since several different applications scaling will be encountered, hybrid architectures featuring a few aggressive cores and many simple cores should be privileged.

Augmenting superscalar architecture for efficient many-thread parallel execution

Participants : Sylvain Collange, André Seznec, Sajith Kalathingal.

We aim at exploring the design of a unique core that efficiently run both sequential and massively parallel sections. We explore how the architecture of a complex superscalar core has to be modified or enhanced to be able to support the parallel execution of many threads from the same application (10's or even 100's a la GPGPU on a single core).

SIMD execution is the preferred way to increase energy efficiency on data-parallel workloads. However, explicit SIMD instructions demand challenging auto-vectorization or manual coding, and any change in SIMD width requires at least a recompile, and typically manual code changes. Rather than vectorize at compile-time, our approach is to dynamically vectorize SPMD programs at the micro-architectural level. The SMT-SIMD hybrid core we propose extracts data parallelism from thread parallelism by scheduling groups of threads in lockstep, in a way inspired by the execution model of GPUs. As in GPUs, conditional branches whose outcome differ between threads are handled with conditionally masked execution. However, while GPUs rely on explicit re-convergence instructions to restore lockstep execution, we target existing general-purpose instruction sets, in order to run legacy binary programs. Thus, the main challenge consists in detecting re-convergence points dynamically.

We proposed instruction fetch policies that apply heuristics to maximize the cycles spent in lockstep execution. We evaluated their efficiency and performance impact on an out-of-order superscalar core simulator. Results validate the viability of our approach, by showing that existing compiled SPMD programs are amenable to lockstep execution without modification nor recompilation.