Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

CPER MISN, EDGE project (2010-2013, 518k€).

M. Quinson and L. Nussbaum are leading a project of the regional CPER contract, called Expérimentations et calculs distribués à grande échelle (EDGE). It focuses on maintaining and improving the local Grid'5000 infrastructure, and animating both the research on experimental grids and the research community using these facilities. More information is available at http://misn.loria.fr/spip.php?rubrique8 .

Other partners: EPI CARAMEL, VERIDIS

Lorraine Region (2011-2013, 30k€).

The project “Systèmes dynamiques : étude théorique et application à l'algorithmique parallèle pour la résolution d'équation aux dérivées partielles” lead by S. Contassot-Vivier is the sequel of his research on dynamical systems and consists in designing more efficient algorithmic schemes for parallel iterative solvers. This project is closely linked to the collaboration with the Lemta as the real case application provided by F. Asllanaj will be the target of our future developments in this field.