Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Sylvain Lefebvre was involved in the following courses:

  • Cours École Centrale (9h)

  • Cours École de Géologie: introduction to parallelism (3h TP) and introduction to computer graphics (3h cours, 6h TP)

  • OpenCL, master M2, avec Dmitry Sokolov.

  • Course on Video Game programming at “École des Mines de Nancy”. Taught with Guillaume Bonfante.

Samuel Hornus was involved in the following courses:

  • "Functional programming with OCaml" at ÉPITECH Nancy (private school training programmers, http://nancy.epitech.eu/ ). Lecture: 9h. Lab work: 18h. 3 student projects.

Dmitry Sokolov was involved in the following courses:

  • Algorithmique avancée, 28h, M2 Math de l'UL, France

  • Géométrie et représentation dans l’espace, 35h, L2 Informatique de l'UL, France

  • Logiques et Modèles de calcul, 30h, M1 Informatique de l'UL, France

  • Infographie 76h, M1 Informatique de l'UL, France

  • Modèles de perception et raisonnement, 56h, M1 Informatique de l'UL, France

  • Parallélisme de données, 15h, M1 Informatique de l'UL, France

Dobrina Boltcheva had 200 hours teaching duty:

  • Licence ISN, IUT Saint-Dié-des-Vosges

  • 2A DUT INFO, IUT Saint-Dié-des-Vosges

  • 1A DUT INFO, IUT Saint-Dié-des-Vosges

Xavier Antoine gave the following invited courses:

Bruno Lévy taught:

  • “Numerical Geometry” (15 h) in the National School of Geology and in Nancy School of Mines.

  • “initiation to computer programming” in collaboration with the Microtel association (1h per week, 10 kids aged between 7 and 12 years old).


Master 2
  • Jean Hergel, advised by Sylvain Lefebvre.

  • Aytac Kanaci, co-advised by Sylvain Lefebvre and Amaury Habrard (St Étienne, Université Jean Monnet).

PhD thesis defended
  • Sergey Podkorytov (Université de Bourgogne, co-advised by Dmitry Sokolov), “Tangent subspace of self-similar shapes”. Defended on December 20 2013.

  • Romain Duboscq, co-advised by Xavier Antoine, with Renaud Marty (équipe probabilité IECL).

  • Romain Merland,“Generation of finite volume grids accounting for structural, petrophysical and dynamic information”, advised by Guillaume Caumon and Bruno Lévy. Defended on April 18, 2013.

PhD thesis in preparation
  • Kun Liu (now post-doc in London), “Modèle discret guidé par l'acquisition pour les objets déformables”, Started August 2010, Rhaleb Zayer and Bruno Lévy. Kun should defend his PhD in 2014.

  • Alejandro Patricio Galindo, “Traitement de l'image et video tracking pour l'extraction d'informations pertinentes”, Rhaleb Zayer and Bruno Lévy.

  • Arnaud Botella, “Génération de maillages non-structurés hex-dominants conformes aux domaines géologiques”, Started January 2013, Guillaume Caumon and Bruno Lévy.

  • Jeanne Pellerin, “Hybrid meshing for geosciences”, Guillaume Caumon and Bruno Lévy.

  • David Lopez, “Dynamic meshing of free surfaces in fluid simulation”, Bruno Lévy.

  • Jean Hergel, “Approches pour la prise en compte conjointe de la fonctionnalité des objets modélisés et des contraintes du procédé de fabrication additive”, Started February 2013, Bruno Lévy.

  • Jérémie Dumas, “By-example shape synthesis for 3D printing”, Started September 2013, Sylvain Lefebvre and Bruno Lévy.


Sylvain Lefebvre was examinateur during the PhD defense of Matthias Holländer, who was supervised by Tamy Boubekeur (Telecom ParisTech). Title: Real-time Geometry Synthesis.

Bruno Lévy participated to the following Ph.D. and habilitation juries:

  • Hunbin Li (Ph.D., Centrale Lyon)

  • Kenneth Vanhoey (Ph.D, ICube, Strasbourg)

  • Lionel Untereiner (Ph.D., ICube, Strasbourg)

  • Alexandre Derouet-Jourdan (Ph.D., Inria Grenoble)

  • Yuan Zhan (Ph.D., Hong-Kong University)

  • David Salinas (Ph.D., Gipsa Lab, Grenoble)

  • Guillaume Lavoué (Habilitation thesis, LIRIS, Lyon)