Section: Software and Platforms


Participants : Dobrina Boltcheva, Bruno Lévy, Thierry Valentin.

Vorpaline is an automatic surfacic and volumetric mesh generation software, distributed with a commercial license. Vorpaline is based on the main scientific results stemming from projets GoodShape and VORPALINE, funded by the European Research Council, about optimal quantization, centroidal Voronoi diagrams and fast/parallel computation of Voronoi diagrams in high-dimension space. The current version (1.0) provides functionalities such as isotropic/adaptive/anisotropic surface re-meshing, tolerant surface re-meshing, mesh repair and mesh decimation. Next versions will provide functionalities such as constrained surface meshing (2.0), quad-dominant surface meshing (3.0) and hex-dominant volume meshing (4.0).