Section: Dissemination
Scientific Animation
Alpage members were involved in many Program, Scientific or Reviewing Committees for other journals and conferences. For example, Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie participated to the program committees of IWPT'13, LGC'13, HMGE'13, DepLing'13, EPIA'13 TeMA, AAAI'13 Student workshop, plus reviewing for ACL'13, NAACL'13, and TALN'13; Djamé Seddah was a PC member of SPMRL'13, EMNLP, IJCNLP, CICLing, TALN, IWPT; Laurence Danlos was a reviewer for ACL, the Generative Lexicon Workshop, TALN, and the TAL journal; Benoît Crabbé was a reviewer for Formal Grammar, CSSP, TALN, RECITAL, Dependency Linguistics, Journal of Language Modelling, Language Ressources and Evaluation; Benoît Sagot was a Program Committee member or reviewer for the LRE and for the TAL journal (vol. 54:1 and 54:2), as well as for the conferences TALN, ACL, SFCM, IJCNLP and SPMRL
Participation of Éric Villemonte De La Clergerie to the editorial board of French journal T.A.L. as “Redacteur en chef” (chief editor)
Benoît Sagot is elected board member of the French NLP society (ATALA) and was its Secretary until June 2013.
Benoît Sagot is a member of the scientific board of the consortium Corpus Écrits, which belongs to the TGIR Huma-Num
Benoît Sagot represents Alpage at the board of the Institut de Linguistique Française, a CNRS federation (Alpage is a member of the Institut de Linguistique Française since June 2013)
Laurence Danlos is a member of the Permanent Committee of the TALN conference organized by ATALA.
Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Committee of the UFR of Linguistics of University Paris Diderot.
Benoît Crabbé and Laurence Danlos are members of the Administrative board of the UFR of Linguistics of University Paris Diderot.
Benoît Crabbé co-organized the research seminar : lectures in experimental linguistics (Univ P7)
Benoît Crabbé is responsible for the L3 computational linguistics (Univ Paris Diderot)
Benoît Sagot is a member of the Governing Board and of the Scientific Board of the LabEx EFL, as head of the research strand on language resources; he is also in charge of several reserach operations; Benoît Crabbé is deputy-head of the research strand on experimental grammar;Marie-Hélène Candito and Laurence Danlos are in charge of one research operation each. Laurence Danlos is a member of the Scientific Board, representing Alpage.
Djamé Seddah is one of the founders of the statistical parsing of morphologically rich language initiative (SPMRL) that started during IWPT'09. He was the program co-chair of the successful SPMRL 2010 NAACL-HLT Workshop and of its 2011 (at IWPT) and 2012 (at ACL) editions. In 2013, he was chair of the Shared Task that was organized together with this year's edition of SPMRL, for which he, Marie-Hélène Candito, Benoît Crabbé and Benoît Sagot were member of the program committee. Finally, Alpage is a major sponsor of this series of workshops.
Benoît Sagot served as a project reviewer for the National Research Agency (ANR), calls “bilatéraux SHS” and “STIC”.
Djamé Seddah is the “Responsable pédagogique” for the C2I courses for Université Paris-Sorbonne
Benoît Crabbé tought an invited course on Experimental Grammar at the Summer School on Empirical Linguistics at the Berder island (France), organized by the LabEx EFL (international audience)
Benoît Sagot was an invited speaker at the workshop on Computational Approaches to Morphological Complexity organized by the Surrey Morphology Group in Paris
many members of the team were invited to give talks in France and aborad, as for example in Geneva (Marie-Hélène Candito), Düsseldorf (Djamé Seddah, Benoît Sagot), Montreal (Djamé Seddah, Rosa Stern), Columbia University (Benoît Sagot).